Restaurants are among the most lucrative startups in the world, mostly because people around the world are becoming increasingly open to adventurous and diverse culinary experiences. However, each startup comes with its own quirks and set of difficulties. In order to prevent these, you will have to think on your feet (you are an entrepreneur after all) and have all the necessary equipment to boot. If you are interested how to run a culinary business, the first thing to know is how to equip your restaurant startup.
Initial considerations
Every kitchen needs at least one griddle-top range with an oven, a convection oven, a fryer, a boiler, a pressures steamer, a steam kettle and other equipment that is necessary for food preparation. Along with the elements we will mention below, the bottom line price tag will be at least $40,000 if you want to open the basic top-end restaurant startup. This is without accounting for restaurant space and managerial offices that require a very different type of equipment. This means you shouldn’t even consider opening a serious restaurant without $65,000 set aside.
Prep surfaces
Meals do not begin in boiling pots and frying pans. You need sufficiently big prep surfaces, preferably made of stainless steel, to slice and dice your food. This is especially necessary for meat, since using any other surface can be unsanitary and downright dangerous for health. In order to accommodate the number of chefs and the kitchen, you need to think in advance and reserve enough space for these surfaces in the kitchen area.
Dishwashing equipment
In the restaurant business, hygiene is everything. Unless you get this area sorted out, your startup will suffer in the long run and, even worse, you might end up with a permanent ban and legal troubles. Dishwashing and hand washing stations, therefore, represent an integral part of the food producing “pipeline”. In order to prevent the spread of food-born bacteria and other illnesses, and simultaneously make sure the work itself isn’t suffering (hand washing can take up a lot of time out of the workday and you can’t afford to have dishes pile up) you should probably opt for automatic dishwashers.
Safety equipment
Safety equipment is required and essential part of every serious establishment. Furthermore, state and federal law mandates it. Since we are discussing a restaurant environment, first-aid kits should contain items that are suited for the types of injuries with commonly occur in this kind of area. These mostly boil down to burns and cuts that can be severe but rarely life-threatening. Fire is the biggest enemy of restaurants. Because of this, fire extinguishers are also required and the local fire marshal is obliged to inspect the newly opened restaurant to check if everything complies with fire codes. Your staff also needs to learn how to use this equipment, which falls under the obligatory training.
Many ingredients have to be kept at minimum temperatures, yet the issue of space is always something to think about. Refrigeration space can turn into a serious issue if your business begins to expand rapidly. Therefore, finding a capacious commercial refrigerator can be a deciding factor with your restaurant startup. A trustworthy, energy-efficient solution can turn into a true “partner” that helps you grow your business, as you will always be able to rely on it and know you will not have to worry about this aspect.
Business is like anything else in life – it is about what you can offer. In this case, your clients are interested to get the most delicious food in the quickest and most efficient way possible. In order to get there, you need to arm yourself with equipment that will help you save time without sacrificing the quality. With this frame of mind, you will be well on your way to become a successful restaurant owner and, who knows, maybe a food chain giant.
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