In the past, most marketing experts addressed their customers as one massive demographic in order to cut costs and thus create a better ROI. Unfortunately, this kind of solution doesn’t seem to have as great of an effect in 2017. Therefore, the cost-effectiveness of traditional marketing is no longer what it used to be. Today, in order to reach out to your consumers in the right way, you need to address each and every one of them as an individual. Still, with a brand that is present nationwide, this isn’t as simple. Luckily, hyper local marketing is there to make peace between your national (or global) brand and consumers you meet face-to-face. Here are few things you need to know about this.
Start with SEO
The first step on this virtual journey of a thousand digital miles lies in the idea of employing SEO. Regardless how hard you try to lure people back to your website in order to boost its traffic, it is always better for people to discover you on their own. This is where SEO comes in, because by boosting your online visibility it increases your chances of being found in the first place. Moreover, by targeting people who are already using niche-relevant keywords in their inquiries, you are directly addressing your qualified leads or people who have the greatest chance of conversion. The most important thing, however, is not to be generic in your SEO efforts. According to the industry veterans behind Websitesthatsell, there are no one-size-fits all solutions.
Personalize Your Email Marketing
Another thing you should try out is personalizing your email marketing. Subconsciously, people are always more trusting toward someone who is geographically closer to them. This is why, even if your headquarters aren’t seated in their vicinity, you need to show that you are present in their region. In order to achieve this, you might want to use some locally-relevant peculiarities like latest weather occurrences or significant events. In this way, you can give your email marketing a strong personal touch and show your customer that the party addressing them isn’t a spam-bot but a real person who cares about their experience as a client.
Process Instead of Action
The next thing you need to keep in mind is that doing business is more often a process than a momentary action. What this means is that a high bounce-rate doesn’t necessarily have to be a negative thing. Think about your own purchase history! Did you buy a product the first time you visited a store or do you more often tend to make a purchase later on? Moreover, a person who has bought from you once has a chance to buy from you once again if only you give them the opportunity. According to one survey, about 8 percent of your repeat customers are directly responsible for well over 40 percent of all your profit.
Data is Vital
Finally, you need to keep in mind that if you are to personalize your approach to customers, you first need to know how. This is why gathering a sufficient amount of usable data seems to be paramount. You need to know their search history, their favorite categories, even the location of their last purchase. Most importantly, however, you need to know peculiarities regarding their favorite device. While smartphones are the most common web-browsing devices at the moment, PCs and tablets still beat them when it comes to the average conversion rate. This too is something worth keeping a tab on.
It is Worth the Hassle
As you can see, in order to make your marketing strategy work you need to radically change your approach to your customers. This means seeing them as a group of individuals rather than a large entity with common traits, characteristics, and aims. Sure, changing the way in which you view your marketing may be hard, but what comes next tends to be even more difficult. This is why you will need a lot of perseverance, huge amounts of data, high-tech analytic tools and business platforms, as well as some professional help. The price of staying competitive in 2017 may seem quite high, yet it is one worth paying for all those who want to stay in the game.
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