Ever since the birth of civilization, color has been used as a symbol to convey messages, as well as to denote classes and factions. However, in the twenty-first century, it is not a big secret that psychological research determined that colors can affect our mood. In fact, certain colors can be good mind-boosters that increase our productivity. It is quite literally a matter of nuances, so if you want to utilize this stylistic aspect to your advantage, here is how to use office color psychology to boost productivity.
A Matter of Psychology
Color psychology is neither new nor a bogus science – it is a legitimate concept that bases its theoretical framework on how the brain responds to a variety of colors. It has been discovered that colors influence our mental states in discrete but noticeable ways that are easy to track and measure. The most renowned of these influences is definitely how the natural green color has an overwhelmingly positive impact on our mood and vivacity.
As psychological research reaps more results, the statistical analysis actually reinforces such ideas as completely legitimate – they are finding out that certain colors evoke very distinctive responses in human brains. This is why, if you aspire to be a successful entrepreneur, this field should be of great interest to you.
The Connection Between Color and Mood
The legitimacy of this research in the realm of psychology is actually very beneficial because it means colors can be utilized in a variety of ways to control our mood. This is something that is particularly interesting to big corporations that see utility in such matters. Simply speaking, color schemes can be used as a workplace advantage, depending on the type of business a company is conducting.
However, this matter comes with a sort of caveat – color meanings can be hardwired into our brains based on what a specific culture taught us. This means, if we are talking about a multinational corporation or a singular HQ that houses a number of employees from various corners of the globe, a specific color can have different meanings and impact mood in different ways. This is why it is important to do solid research of your company’s ethnic and cultural landscape before you invite commercial painting pros to redecorate the space.
How Basic Colors Influence Work Performance and Productivity
There are three primary colors that should serve as a basis for your office interior design redecoration – red, yellow and blue. Apart from white, which is predominantly used in office spaces to make them appear bigger and airier, one of these colors is a good secondary choice based on the type of business you conduct. Each of these colors has a very distinct impact on our synapses and disposition.
Red is the color that arouses alertness and grabs attention. It is primarily known as the color of fire, passion and volatile emotions – and for good reasons. The color red influences our physical readiness just as it arouses alertness. This means that the hues of red are the best choice for work environments that require physical activity. It boosts productivity in a very visceral way as it increases the heart rate and blood pressure.
Yellow is the color of optimism and vivaciousness. It is predominantly associated with positive emotions, which can be good for businesses that concentrate on creative endeavours. Every interior space overwhelmed with yellow nuances appears more warm, happy, and fun. It instils confidence and openness. However, there is also a downside to yellow. It can also cause anxiety and lead to frustration, especially if the chosen hue is wrong for the type of work you are conducting.
Blue is the favorite color of many companies around the world because it is the number one booster for productivity. The calming, precise, and clinical hues of blue are good for invoking orderliness, confidence, calmness, and formality. It helps with concentration and, when combined with white, it makes every space look fresher.
The color green is not one of the three basic nuances but it is just as crucial as it is the predominant color in lush nature. As such, it stimulates the brain’s productivity while promoting calmness, but it is much better for creative thinking than blue. Most importantly, it doesn’t cause eye fatigue.
Think carefully about what sort of color scheme is the most appropriate for the type of business you are managing before you embark on redesigning the office space and do not overdo it or use more than three colors. With this knowledge in mind, you are bound to make the right set of choices.
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