Your exhibition stand and your advertising techniques say a lot about your brand, therefore it is crucial to make sure that your stand represents your commercial enterprise and its core values if you are going to have a display that will drive engagement.
The first impression is important, so it’s vital you deliver the right vibe as soon as your target audience spots your exhibition stand. However, if your display stand is sparse and empty, it’s going to make your stand appear unfinished and visitors would possibly pass by and not give your brand any attention. Also, ensure your exhibition stand is large enough to fill your floor space, but be careful not to make your space cramped with the show stand add-ons. A simple pop up stand and a literature dispenser are ideal for smaller floor spaces, however, by adding a branded promotional counter or investing in a modular display stand, you could readily fill a larger area.
Without mincing of words, it is becoming more and more clear that the lifestyle of many humans is damaging the Earth irreparably. However, more businesses are beginning to have a look at the waste they produce, the energy they consume, and the resultant damage it causes. Stands suppliers in Dubai are not an exception. They are working to be sustainable and to minimize waste, but they’re pushing even harder for it in 2019. Large events and exhibitions have long been things that many deem unsustainable because of the number of display stands and apparatuses that are discarded as rubbish after one use. However, it doesn’t have to be that way only. Like every other sector, the event and exhibition industry can make strides to be eco-friendlier and extra aware of the Earth, however, it all starts with the suppliers.
Reduce, Reuse, Re-cycle
It’s human nature to want to get the most out of something you’ve paid for; whether that’s taking reusable bags with you to the supermarket when you do your shopping, or if it’s scraping the last few bits of jam out of the jar before you discard it. Exhibition stands are not an exception. Display companies want to make an impact and feature the best displays, but, that’s no excuse to be wasteful. Build and burn stands are famous because they have fewer obstacles with regards to innovative design. Nonetheless, they aren’t called “build and burn” for no reason. Build and burn stands are custom made displays that are used one time only. Build and burn displays do look striking, but you can achieve the same level of effect using a reconfigurable pop-up display stands or a modular exhibition stands.
The range of modular and reconfigurable displays can be custom built to fit your marketing campaign, while keeping the capacity to be reused and tailored in line with your commercial enterprise. Modular displays can be configured in any form or size and provide the option of substitute graphics. However, this means that you are only not making an investment in a display appropriate for a lifetime of use, but you are drastically minimizing the impact exhibitions and activities have on the environment.
Be Biodegradable
Investing in a reusable display stand is one aspect, however, it won’t have a massive impact unless the stand itself is also environmentally friendly. Fortunately, there is a variety of materials for exhibition stands that are absolutely recyclable. An aluminium body can be sent to a recycling plant and be melted down to create new items like tins and water bottles. The 100% polyester material can be recycled and converted into rPET merchandise to be used in clothing and home decor textiles. This means that not only can you update and reuse your stand, you can also have the peace of mind knowing that your old graphics are responsibly disposed of.
Don’t Forget the Information
Sometimes, it is the smaller matters in life that make the most impact, and exhibiting isn’t any exception. Simple things, such as trading out plastic bags for paper bags while handing out samples is an awesome place to start. Alternatively, switching to LED lights, rather than the use of halogen lighting, is likewise a very good step, as LED lights use much less energy when compared to halogen lighting and have a longer lifespan.
Just like the layout of your exhibition stand, the Graphic Design of your display is equally crucial. A cluttered and messy layout will turn your target audience off, and one that is too vague will not sell your business well. Exhibition stands aren’t brochures or leaflets and shouldn’t be blanketed in text. Your event backdrop is there to grab people’s attention. Strong imagery is usually a go-to design choice, but if you’re using large pictures, make sure they are high-resolution photos. Pixelated and blurry snapshots won’t entice your target audience to your stand. Highlight your brand, your tagline, and your social media icons. Keep your design fun and colorful and not too busy.
Whatever you decide to do to help make your event or exhibition eco-friendlier is a step in the right direction, whether you decide to ditch the build and burn completely or start with switching out your exhibition lighting.
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