Choosing a business name is something that most new business owners agonize over, and those starting mobile phlebotomy companies are no different. You want to come up with a name that’s memorable, but also one that conveys the right message.
Here are 4 things to think about as you go through the process of choosing a name for your mobile phlebotomy company.
Not too Sterile, But Not too Silly
Mobile phlebotomy company names tend to run the gamut—some are overly clinical and sterile, while others are just silly.
Unless you plan on only working with biochem labs or DNA labs, you should avoid a business name that is too “medical”. You are providing a service designed to make people feel comfortable and offer them convenience. You want to set yourself apart from a traditional lab or patient service center.
On the other end of the spectrum, there are some mobile phlebotomy companies that go the “silly” route, naming their business things like “The Blood Fairy” or “Stick it To ‘Em Services”. Even though you don’t work in a hospital or medical office, you’re still offering a medical service. You don’t want to come across as unprofessional or amateurish. For the same reasons, it’s best to avoid things like misspelled words (“Xpress”) or text speak (“Phlebotomy 4 U”). Yes, you want your company to feel accessible, but you also want to instill confidence in your potential clients.
Don’t Have to Be Literal
Yes, you will be sticking people with needles and drawing blood, but you don’t have to reference needles or blood in your company name—in fact, you shouldn’t! Avoid any words that would remind potential clients the actual process of getting their blood drawn. They already know it’s uncomfortable—you don’t need to remind them with your company name. Just because you are comfortable around needles and blood doesn’t mean everyone is. Some people are actually deathly afraid of needles or faint at the sight of blood.
A better option is to go with a name that’s a little more abstract. Something that conveys comfort, convenience, safety, or accuracy.
Do Your Research
Competition research is essential when naming a company. You want to do your due diligence and research any of the potential business names you are considering before you file your DBA to make sure the name is unique. Depending on the state or county in which your business will reside, you may have to do your own research, or a state or county official will do it for you.
You want to avoid naming your company that is the same or very similar to another company for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, it will keep you from receiving a cease and desist letter that will require you to change your company name.
Second, you don’t want people to confuse your business with another one. When people do an internet search for your company, you want them to find your business and not any others.
Some companies have tried to purposefully name their company something similar to a large competitor in order to attempt to siphon off business from that company. Not only is this a shady tactic, it could also subject your company to an expensive lawsuit.
If you want to incorporate your business from the start, or down the road, you will likely need to have a formal name search done by an attorney. If, at that time, it is discovered that there is a company with a name that’s the same or too similar, you will have to change it, so start with a unique name from the beginning.
Don’t Limit Your Business
As you start your mobile phlebotomy business, it may just be you. You are doing all of the blood draws, as well as running the day-to-day operations of your business. It can be tempting to name the business after yourself (“Janet’s Mobile Phlebotomy”), but if you have aspirations to grow your company and eventually have a team of mobile phlebotomists under you, you might want to consider a name that will be better suited to a larger company.
Naming a company is one of the more fun and creative parts of starting a business, and many entrepreneurs want to choose it themselves. However, there are marketing companies out there that can help you name your company, if you desire. They can suggest multiple names, based on the “feel” you are going for, and then you can ultimately choose from their list. Of course, hiring a marketing company will cost money. You could also gather together a group of friends and have a brainstorming session where everyone offers potential business names.
However you choose to go about naming your mobile phlebotomy business, take your time, so you end up with a name that will serve your company well long-term and help you grow your business.
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