If you’ve ever worked with a design professional, like an architect, interior designer, or landscape architect, you may have noticed that your ideas and suggestions are not always welcomed. So many designers take on the mindset of “I’m the expert. I know what’s best.” And while it’s true that these …

Entrepreneuring Articles and Interviews (category)
As an entrepreneur, you most likely wear many hats in your day-to-day work. Figuring out how to juggle all of the tasks you have to do, while still maintaining a life outside of work can be a challenge. Entrepreneuring articles focus on you, the entrepreneur, and how you can strengthen your areas of weakness when it comes to business and keeping a healthy work-life balance.
5 Investment Areas for Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs are the living legacy of the American dream. From whatever background or situation, they have become focused visionaries who use hard-work and fierce commitment to make their dreams a reality. Their businesses span industries and continents, and their stories inspire millions. Their …
Starting a Business in 2020? Here’s a List of Tips You Need to Know to Beat the Virus and the Competition
Thinking of starting up a business in the post-pandemic era? If you are, the new climate is going to feature a lot of changes, so it's important to be informed, flexible, and above all else, prepared. Here are five tips that will help you start up a successful business in the post-pandemic …
Small Business Owners are Optimistic, According to a New Survey
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a myriad of challenges for small business owners from lockdowns stopping business altogether to additional costs for safety and sanitation equipment. With all of these roadblocks, one would expect entrepreneurs to flee from opening traditional small businesses, …
The Right People: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Expanding Your Vision
Convention often becomes counterintuitive for the entrepreneur starting a business, and this is a fact we see reflected in the stories of some of the most successful and groundbreaking business leaders of the late twentieth and early twenty-first century. Sure, Steve Jobs may have benefited …
What Are the First Steps when Starting Your Own Business?
The Coronavirus pandemic has been tough on us all, causing thousands of us to be rendered redundant by the economic ramifications that followed in its wake. If you’ve been deemed non-essential recently, or have just spent the time over lockdown reexamining your life and what matters to you, it might …