Many businesses, when contemplating the wellbeing of their employees, often put measures in place to ensure good physical condition. However, a vital human aspect is often overlooked when these measures are instated. What about mental health? The effect of mental health on a business can be felt …

Leading Articles and Interviews (category)
When it comes to running a small business, leadership is of the utmost importance. Employees look to you for guidance and to set the tone for your company. Learn more about what it means to be an effective leader with the articles in this section, which cover topics such as employee management, hiring and firing, and team building.
5 Best Tips to Successfully Manage Remote Teams
A few years ago, work from home became a fad as more and more people began to develop the courage required to start their own online businesses. Today, this trend solidified itself because of the Coronavirus pandemic, and working from home or working remotely has become more common than it ever …
Top 9 Business Benefits from Investing in Learning and Development
The reason 40% of employees quit their job at a particular business is the lack of professional growth or potential for professional growth. At the same time, enterprises that are losing valuable human resources continue to save on training and continue with a low-skilled workforce. Though its …
How the Innovation Game Has Changed
Innovation isn’t working. At least, the old style of innovation isn’t. It can’t be – look at the number of established, iconic brands that have fallen foul of disruption over the past few years. These companies didn’t stop innovating – at least not in their eyes. Kodak, for example, had an entire …
How to Help Your Child Write a Professional Essay
Writing is an essential skill that all children should have before they become college or university student where they're expected to do various writing tasks, like analytical essays, book reviews, research papers, and hopefully, at the end of their college life, a dissertation. However, writing …
The Art of Leading Grieving Employees: Being an Adaptive Leader
Consider the following scenario: A business leader (let’s call him Lou) has been troubled by an employee (let’s call him Joe) whose performance was suffering. Lou noticed that Joe was becoming more and more unreliable—requesting days off without notice, often with just a phone call on the morning he …