Most small business owners put a lot of stock into picking just the right employees for their company. They take the time to interview them, answering any questions they may have about the business or position with a smile on their face. Then, once hired, they provide top quality training and …

Leading Articles and Interviews (category)
When it comes to running a small business, leadership is of the utmost importance. Employees look to you for guidance and to set the tone for your company. Learn more about what it means to be an effective leader with the articles in this section, which cover topics such as employee management, hiring and firing, and team building.
How to Craft an Unforgettable Presentation
Have you ever sat through a presentation that made you want to go back home, put your pajamas back on, and crawl back into bed as you had finally found the cure to the insomnia that has plagued you for months? Or, what about the presentation given by a colleague, co-worker, or some other …
Managing Millennials: An Interview with Joanie Connell
In this episode of Monday Morning Radio, host Dean Rotbart talks with Dr. Joanie Connell, President and CEO of Flexible Work Solutions, a consulting firm that specializes in leadership development, as well as in preparing youth for work and life. In this interview, she focuses on Millennials …
4 Best Online Sites for Posting Job Ads
Hiring the best employee possible for your small business is a process. And it is one that generally starts with posting the open position where it is most likely to be found by the one person who will meet (or even exceed) your required qualifications and requirements. Of course, posting the job …
3 Key Elements of a Help Wanted Ad That Attracts Top Applicants
As of June 30th, 2015, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that there are 5.2 million jobs open in the United States. Therefore, if you’re trying to fill even one of them, you’re competing against a large number of other employers who also want the best new staff member they can get. That’s why …
Origin Stories Behind the Most Famous Slogans
Here’s a brief look at some interesting insights into the origins of popular business slogans. From Nike’s “Just Do It” to L’Oreal’s “Because You’re Worth It” and much more. Find out about the unusual sources of inspiration for these iconic slogans. Infographic Credit: M2 On Hold …