When you are self-employed, you can deduct your mileage expenses for driving for your business. Mileage deductions can be overlooked, but every cent matters when tax time comes! And, at a rate of 56 cents per mile for 2021, it would be a mistake not to claim it. If you use a car solely for …
Moneying Articles and Interviews (category)
Moneying articles focus on all aspects related to business finance, including budgeting, bookkeeping, pricing strategy, insurance, and more. Since you presumably went into business to make money, knowing how to manage it effectively will help keep you in business and move you toward the profitability you seek.
5 Essential Tips to Boost Your Business Finances
One of the major pain points for small business owners is financial management. Whether it be finding effective ways to boost revenue or implementing efficient financial management systems, all businesses need to adopt healthy financial habits in order to continue growing and evolving. Here are …
All You Need to Know about Bankruptcy Chapter 7 in Georgia
Are you feeling like small debts are putting your financial independence in danger? IRS or credit card debts may not involve the largest sums ever, but they still make thousands of people in Georgia file for bankruptcy every year. Fortunately, there’s no need to worry about losing a significant part …
What Are the Different Types of Bankruptcy?
When financial burdens pile up and become unmanageable, you may consider bankruptcy to relieve your debts. When you file for bankruptcy, you can create a new financial strategy that helps you to restructure your finances. There are six main types of bankruptcies that you can file for which can aid …
5 Tips For Creating An Employee Stock Option Plan
Running a startup business includes planning the operations, equipment and supplies sourcing, financing, and legalities. When your startup needs employees, you may find that you don't have enough capital to hire a single person into your business. While there are financing options, business owners …
Crypto Signals
Crypto signals Cryptocurrencies are gaining popularity nowadays because people like Elon Musk are talking about them with such passion and fire in their eyes. Telegram became very popular in every country as well because different groups of people can create their own channels and gain access to …