There are many types of investments existing today, including bonds and shares purchased at the stock market. However, some investors are saying that investing in precious metals is still recommended because their value increases every year. It is a viable investment compared to the shares purchased …

Moneying Articles and Interviews (category)
Moneying articles focus on all aspects related to business finance, including budgeting, bookkeeping, pricing strategy, insurance, and more. Since you presumably went into business to make money, knowing how to manage it effectively will help keep you in business and move you toward the profitability you seek.
Frugal Findings: Money Saving Maintenance Tips for Commercial Properties
When you own a commercial property, the best plan is to try to prevent huge, expensive repairs from being needed. This is done by doing a little preventative maintenance from time to time. By preventing large scale problems from occurring, this will undoubtedly cause you to save thousands upon …
An Introduction to Product Liability Law
It can be an incredibly tumultuous process when navigating the complexities of product liability law as a consumer. Often times, cases that spring an individual into the midst of a lawsuit regarding product liability can happen unexpectedly. They can cause damages regarding the physical, mental, or …
A Look at the Funding Options for High Risk Businesses
There are several reasons why your business may be classified as a high-risk business. When you, the owner of the business, has a bad credit score, your business will be seen as high-risk. Other reasons include the nature of the business, being in a volatile industry, and the risks faced by the …
Getting a Loan to Invest in an Idea
Unless your personal assets are quite formidable and your business idea disproportionally modest, chances are that you won’t be able to fund it out of your own pocket. Fortunately, you don’t really have to, seeing as how the vast majority of the business world does this via a loan. Now, speaking of …
The Need For Professional Tax Planners For Small Business
TaxSlayer performed a Tax IQ survey for tax preparation attitudes and perceived tax preparation abilities by Americans, and some interesting results came out of it. 28% of individuals would rather go without a cell phone or car for a week instead of having to face the task of tax preparation. 53% …