While hotels and motels have long been the go-to option for businesspeople, a new type of accommodation seems to be taking over the business world – furnished and serviced apartments for rent. These apartments are now in high demand as more and more business travelers are ditching hotels in favor of …

Strategizing Articles and Interviews (category)
The most successful business owners are always thinking ahead. If you are a new business owner, strategizing about mission statements, corporate culture and business plans are things you would be smart to address early on. More seasoned business owners can benefit from articles on everything from setting client expectations to creating a niche for your small business
How to Keep Your Business Moving Forward Despite Covid-19
With the number of cases of Coronavirus continuing to increase, the public is being encouraged to stay at home to keep the virus from spreading further. While this has been a beneficial move for the environment, as it has caused carbon emissions to drop significantly, it has severely impacted …
5 Ways to Create an Innovative Workspace for Your Business
As your business grows, you may want to update your workspace to reflect your company’s modernity and success. While there are more than a handful of approaches you can take to renovate your workspace, here are five great ideas that you definitely should consider. Each suggestion is a proven way to …
5 Ways Strategic Thinking Can Make Change Successful
Why do some small businesses fail to make it? Is it inevitable that they will be pushed out by big corporations? These are difficult questions to ask but are ones that small business owners must consider. Running a business is complex and comes with unique problems, so how do you prepare for …
Why Customer Loyalty Is Important and How to Attain It
Customer loyalty, simply put, is a consumer’s willingness to purchase or work with a brand or establishment again and again. This is the outcome if a customer has a positive customer service experience and is satisfied with the product or service. Loyal customers are the ones who are going to …
Raising the Bar: How to Improve Your Employee’s Work Performance
A recent study found that over 58% of business owners failed to see the value of project management. So, rather than letting a lack of organization affect your small business, now is the time to improve the way you approach things like project management and employee work performance. Keeping …