With more than 500 identities stolen every year, identity theft has become an uncontrollable epidemic, but thankfully there are a number of things you can do to protect yourself. It isn’t just individuals falling victim to these callous crimes either, businesses are also susceptible to identity …
Strategizing Articles and Interviews (category)
The most successful business owners are always thinking ahead. If you are a new business owner, strategizing about mission statements, corporate culture and business plans are things you would be smart to address early on. More seasoned business owners can benefit from articles on everything from setting client expectations to creating a niche for your small business
Why You Should Work Outdoors: 17 Science-Backed Reasons
We’ve all read the news — sitting at our desks all day can have serious consequences for our health. So why do 90 percent of Americans still live a sedentary lifestyle at work? It’s a good question, especially given the many health benefits of working outside. According to a study by L.L. Bean, …
Preparing Your Business For 2019
The new year is quickly approaching, and while many are taking this time to relax with family and friends, it is probably also true that business owners’ minds are busy trying to come up with ways to boost their business when 2019 arrives. From marketing strategies to employee morale to boosting …
How To Find The Right Accountant
Make no mistake, your choice of an accountant is one of the biggest decisions you will ever have to make regarding your business. After all, they’ll be in charge of all the money, so the wrong decision here could severely impact both your livelihood and the future growth of your small …
Plan the Perfect Event with the Right Facility
Planning the perfect event means creating a seamless experience for guests and staff alike. Whether you're organizing the wedding of the century or a large-scale community event, securing the right facility can make all the difference between an event to remember and one your guests and clients …
Integrate Collaboration Tools for a Better Meeting Experience
At times, meetings are a real pain. Trying to find a suitable location and working around tight schedules can turn into an absolute nightmare, while it’s almost impossible to arrange a meet-up during the busier times of the year—which is usually when a meeting is most needed. If that wasn’t bad …