When visitors come to your place of business one of the first things they see is the property’s exterior. The wrong appearance could give clients and customers a negative vibe and essentially ruin your company’s reputation. That’s why curb appeal is a big deal. It aligns with your brand and further …

Strategizing Articles and Interviews (category)
The most successful business owners are always thinking ahead. If you are a new business owner, strategizing about mission statements, corporate culture and business plans are things you would be smart to address early on. More seasoned business owners can benefit from articles on everything from setting client expectations to creating a niche for your small business
Staying on Top of Industry Trends: 5 Tips for Small Business Owners
No matter how large or small a business may be, competition is going to be stiff. There are few businesses that literally own a market because of lack of competitors in their market or industry and that’s why it is critical you stay on top of industry trends. If you have any hope whatsoever of …
Does Customer Service Still Need a Human Touch?
Technology is constantly altering how we do business. Big data and AI have made it possible to collect and parse through massive amounts of information quickly, allowing businesses to streamline their operations. Businesses like Amazon and Netflix live and die by new technology, as the only reason …
Translation Makes the World an Accessible Business Resource
Small business owners with awesome ideas should make themselves known, establish credibility, and be able to compete with like businesses on a greater scale while doing everything possible to not limit their company’s growth or cap its profits. Translation services can help them accomplish these …
7 Most Common Slip-Ups Made When Buying a Business
Having your own company can be a financially rewarding experience. The thrill of running your own business and being your own boss without having to answer to anyone is one of the many reasons why people opt to leave the workforce and start their own companies. Running your own company can be a …
13 Psychological Pricing Hacks Your Business Needs: An Infographic
If you’re in charge of running a business or startup, it’s smart to take time to think about how you should set a price. If you do it right, you might even see an increase in sales and profit. However, setting the right number for a price isn’t the only thing you have to account for. When …