Research and development is a process where a business looks to improve upon its existing services, products, and processes through innovation. The goal is to improve the product or service in an ever-changing market to keep the business relevant and competitive. Research and development could be …

Strategizing Articles and Interviews (category)
The most successful business owners are always thinking ahead. If you are a new business owner, strategizing about mission statements, corporate culture and business plans are things you would be smart to address early on. More seasoned business owners can benefit from articles on everything from setting client expectations to creating a niche for your small business
5 Tips for Running a More Efficient Small Business
Running a small business can be difficult and stressful. However, by following a few simple tips, you can streamline your business operations and reduce the amount of stress it causes you and your employees. Here are five tips for running a more efficient small business. Set Realistic …
How to Establish a Good Line of Contact with Your Customers
When you’re starting up your business, it’s important to have a good line of contact. You don’t want to be difficult to work with, or have only a few friends with you. To make sure your customers will come back for more, it’s important to have a plan that is clear and concise. Here, we will discuss …
Hiring a Landscaper–Is it Cheaper to Do Your Own Landscaping?
Starting a landscaping project in your yard or maintaining your lawn can sometimes become a major headache. However, when you look at your budget and schedule, it may occur to you that hiring a landscaper to handle some, or all your landscaping projects would be a wise decision. In this article, we …
Omicron Tide – How Can Small Businesses Stand Firm in the Face of It?
The global economy, which is still slowly recovering from the previous strains of the COVID-19 pandemic, has faced another hit with the new Omicron variant. Public confidence in markets faded, and various businesses were shaken with the initial discovery of this new strain, just because of instilled …
Before You Close on a Property, Perform Psychological Due Diligence on the Seller
You are about to acquire a property and the clock is ticking. This is the timeframe after which you’ve analyzed the offering memorandum, obtained an accepted letter of intent (LOI), and signed a contract to purchase the property. Now, as the contract specifies, you have just thirty days to perform …