I have an aunt who owns a very successful bakery. In fact, her cookies, donuts, and other sugary treats are so sought after, she now supplies to more than 20 wholesale customers (and turns down many others on a regular basis) in addition to taking care of the retail side of her business. Because …
Business Growth Articles and Interviews (tag)
Increase Profits With Purpose
Generating maximum profits from your business is always a goal for the vast majority of business owners, presidents and CEOs, but should it be the primary goal? What if you could generate higher profits if your company is led by a greater purpose versus simply by going after bigger profits? I've …
Keys to Raising Business Capital
Whether you are a startup or existing business, having sufficient capital is essential to growing a successful business. The lack of capital is also one of the primary reasons why many good ideas never develop into a business or why some companies never take that next leap into scalability. But once …
How to Move Your Small Business Forward By Going in Reverse
As a small business owner, you likely spend a majority of your time looking forward as you try to predict future market and trends, attempting to forecast a majority of your expenses and revenue. And certainly, these things are good as they give you the direction in which you want to go. However, if …
Business Growth Through Buying Rocks
If you’re like most business owners, growing your business is one of your top priorities, but knowing how to go about it is a constant struggle. The concept of business growth is actually a simple one, but too many times people overcomplicate things. I took a recent trip to Kenya, during which I …