Business owners have a lot of responsibilities. You have to consider the budget for your business, branding, marketing, hiring, long-term strategy, short-term strategy, yearly goals, and so much more. However, among all of those many responsibilities, it's absolutely vital not to overlook the …
Cybersecurity Articles and Interviews (tag)
How Organizations Can Protect Their Trade Secrets
Trade secrets are intellectual property (IP) assets. They include designs, instruments, patterns, formulas, and practices. The information is usually highly confidential in commercial terms and not open to the public. Further, it has economic value for the intellectual property rights holder, which …
Five Ways to Make Your Employees More Security Minded
There are a lot of things you have to do to make your workplace safer. You do it to keep your business safe, you do it to keep yourself safe, but you also do it to keep your employees safe. Unfortunately, your employees don’t always see it that way. Many safety protocols can seem like more trouble …
How Do Businesses Securely Send Mail?
Email is one of the essential business applications used by companies to convey sensitive company information–from proprietary information to customer accounts or confidential negotiations. Today, most businesses use email to conduct their business's essential functions. This makes business emails …
3 COVID-Inspired Tech Upgrades for Remote Business
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way business is done. More companies moved into the eCommerce bubble in 2020 as they abandoned brick-and-mortar operations. By April of 2020, web hosting platforms showed close to a 50% jump in requests for domain names. Needless to say, companies needed to …
Small Business Cybersecurity: 6 Tips for Keeping Data Secure
If you take a look at hacking incidents covered in the news over the last year or two, you’ll notice that every organization targeted seemed to be large with a balance sheet in the billions of dollars. It’s only logical, therefore, for one to assume that hackers are solely concerned with breaking …