A good marketing strategy is crucial for the success of any business. In the last few years many advertising trends have come and gone, with consumers’ demands becoming tougher and tougher. However, with so many great innovations in the way brands build their relationships and interact with …
Digital Marketing Articles and Interviews (tag)
3 Ways Locksmiths Can Use Digital Marketing for More Customers
Although locksmithing is one of the oldest professions, searching for a locksmith locally has gone digital. Digital marketing for locksmiths has become the best way for locksmiths to find new business. Referrals are still the best way for locksmiths to get new business, because the referrer trusts …
Digital Marketing 101 for Your Business
Just a few years ago, traditional marketing was just as effective as digital marketing. Fast forward to today and the digital world has grown at an unbelievable rate. Internet and social media usage are increasing each year and businesses are starting to leverage this growth through digital …
How to Build a Visual Content Strategy for Your Business
Humans are visual beings in nature. Moreover, most people tend to absorb and react to visual information faster and more effectively than words. That said, visuals are essential to creating content that can help your business stand out and draw in an audience. Visuals can help make text-centric …
How to Connect With a Digital Marketer
Have you ever watched the movie Catch Me If You Can? It is a brilliant movie that features big stars like Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks. The film showcases the true-life story of Frank Abagnale. Before the age of 19, he made millions of dollars by posing as a doctor, pilot, and Parish …
How Can Your Brand Use ‘Gamification’ as a Digital Marketing Tool?
With the amount of competition and information both increasing in the business world, it has become more difficult for brands to grab users’ attention and retain their interest. As a result, you will need to find new and interactive ways to improve your digital marketing strategy. One of the best …