As you launch your startup, your primary concern will be to save as much money as possible without sacrificing the services upon which you'll need to rely. While there are some things you and your employees will have to do personally, you can save money by outsourcing non productive services. It's …
Legal Articles and Interviews (tag)
How to Avoid Employee Litigation
While being an employer is no doubt fulfilling, it does come with its fair share of troubles, such as dealing with workplace issues and employee litigation. With state and federal employment laws that are constantly changing, you need to do your due diligence and ensure you comply with all necessary …
New Bill Crushes Title Loans and Other Predatory Lending
Early on in January, Illinois lawmakers introduced House Bill 5871, or the Economic Equity Bill. This bill covers a lot of different areas. It aims to create new laws related to employment background checks, lead water pipes, and reparations for the slave trade. The area that we want to talk about …
How Common Are Discrimination Lawsuits In Startups?
Discrimination in workplaces is quite common and even more common in startups. Launching a startup isn’t easy, and some challenges and mistakes can arise. Among them is failing to hire professional legal counsel. This leads to a lack of guidance for their processes and in drawing essential …
How Can An Illegal Immigrant Become Legal In UK
To live in the UK, you need valid paperwork and permissions. If you do not have the necessary documentation, visa, and authorization, you will be labelled an illegal immigrant and be deported from the country. Without the correct permissions, life in the UK could become tough since you would not be …
Accident Prevention Tips For Transportation Businesses
Being the owner of a small or large transportation company can be exciting and interesting. Just like any other company out there, every business venture has its unique pros and cons, and the transportation business is no different. Ensuring that your fleet of vehicles is well maintained, and the …