Entrepreneurs create businesses for a wide variety of reasons. One of the most prominent reasons involves capitalizing on an untapped market. In the late 1990s, new companies were created seemingly every few minutes to capitalize on the dot com boom. Products commonly purchased in stores, such …
Social Media Marketing Articles and Interviews (tag)
The Top 5 Social Media Promotion Ideas To Keep In Mind
When it comes to ideas in general, there is no dearth of them anywhere. Even today, most industries seem to be completely saturated with ideas that have been done a million times before. Then again, new ideas are continuing to be explored. The primary problem most people face is that when it comes …
Your Guide to Influencer Marketing: Connecting, Engaging and Getting it Right
Influencer marketing is huge right now. Kylie Jenner has built a multi-billion-dollar makeup brand on the back of her enormous social reach. In fact, her first lip kits sold out in less than a minute when they were launched. Of course, Kylie Jenner isn’t the only social media influencer out …
Promotion Platforms – How to Choose the Right Method For Your Product
Marketing and promotion are the key contributing factors to the success of your product or business. After all, how are customers supposed to know what you have to offer if you don’t convey to them exactly what you can bring to the table? This is why product promotion is so essential. Thankfully, in …
Most Affordable And Effective Marketing Strategies For Small Businesses
Regardless of the specific industry that your small business is in, you will eventually realize that marketing strategies are crucial for success. However, marketing is an industry that is constantly adapting as highly skilled professionals are continually on the hunt for more effective methods of …
Why Marketers Should Be Wary of the Shiny Object Syndrome
Marketers have very different personalities from their colleagues in the financial and accounting professions. They tend to be vibrant, inventive, whimsical, ambitious, and impatient. While they bring a lot of creativity to their organization, they also have a tendency to adapt some bad habits as …