Technology is essential in boosting your company’s productivity and efficiency, which is vital if you run a fleet management company. Having the technology of a fleet management tracking system enables you to coordinate your employees and develop better strategies to satisfy your clients’ needs better.
But, despite fleet management tracking having an immensely positive impact on your business, employees are usually not very welcoming to this new technology. This is because they don’t see its need, and, instead, consider it as something that’s been put in place to spy on them. And, without the support of your staff, this technology won’t have the desired impact of increasing productivity and efficiency.
That being said, here are five tips you should follow as a fleet manager to ensure successful fleet management tracking.
Don’t Hide This Technology’s Rollout to Your Employees
Accepting change is never easy and is usually a gradual process. Therefore, it’s best to give your employees advanced notice before implementing the fleet management tracking technology. And, while you might be worried that the fleet tracking management won’t be embraced by your staff, rolling it out in secret only worsens things. This is because the employees might eventually find out about it, sparking a huge backlash, giving this technology a negative outlook.
A wiser move would be to instead inform your employees about implementing the GPS asset tracking technology. This gives them enough time to adjust mentally to this new technology and prevent a possible hostile response right after unveiling it.
Explain How the Business Will Benefit
After informing your employees about the installation of fleet management tracking gadgets, you need to be honest about how this will benefit the business. Doing this is recommended as it makes it easier to sell this technology to your employees.
The main benefits the tracking system will have on your business include:
- Reduced fuel consumption
- Saves time
- Improved accountability
- Better driver efficiency
- Possible decrease in overtime
These benefits help address falling customer retention, increased frequency of accidents, and rising fuel costs. Therefore, employees will possibly be more accepting of this technology. However, you should still expect some resistance from staff who think this technology is a form of network topology that wishes them to work a lot harder or be more accountable.
Discuss How the Technology Will Benefit the Employees
Your employees will accept this new technology if you can prove to them how putting in place fleet management tracking will benefit them directly. When used correctly, the tracking technology will help your business generate greater revenue due to better customer retention and increased job efficiency. With this increased profit, the company can afford to offer its staff incentives, reward bonuses, or increased salaries, depending on their performance.
Another advantage of the tracking system is that employees no longer need to show proof of delivery documents or manually log entries. This is less paperwork for your employees, which means greater peace of mind. With these benefits clear to your employees, they’ll be more open to this technology’s rollout.
Educate Employees on How the System Works
At first, the fleet management tracking technology will be seen as intrusive and a clear sign that the top management doesn’t trust them. Because of this, it’s necessary to debunk this misconception by explaining to your staff how this system will be used and the data to be collected. You can also use data to show how other fleet management companies have used this innovative technology to become more competitive in an aggressive marketplace.
Through such actions, you’ll boost your staff’s confidence in this technology, and a lot of them would be willing to support its rollout.
Honestly Answer the Questions Asked
Some employees will definitely have some reservations about the adoption of this technology, so you should include an open forum where everyone can ask any question they have. This is necessary since, no matter how extensive the training was, you should still expect some criticism and queries on how this system works. This allows you to answer any issue that you might not have covered during your initial explanation.
Examples of questions you should expect include:
- What is monitored by the fleet management tracking system?
- Is the use of such a system legal?
Always be understanding and open when answering these questions, and not using a commanding tone as this would only further raise your employees’ concerns about this system.
If you’re a fleet manager or run a fleet management business, it’s tough to convince your employees that the fleet management tracking system isn’t invading their personal space as they work. Therefore, you need to know how to bring up this idea to your employees and clear any misconception they might have about this technology.
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