Teachers, parents and guardians are forever trying to find new and exciting ways to make science an interesting and engaging subject. The best part is that science is discoverable both indoors and outdoors, meaning the opportunity for learning and development is endless. However, there is always an opportunity for improvement and growth, and we want to encourage the next generation of scientists. So, how can we help enhance our children’s understanding of science and what can we do to help them engage with this exciting subject?
Offer free resources
As a schoolchild, there was nothing more exciting than a company coming in to talk to the school, but most of all, bringing free resources. More businesses and companies are offering free resources to schools to make science more accessible to children. An example of this is the company OKdo. They have donated 5,000 microbit computers to young people from all backgrounds, making science more accessible for all. “The 5,000 microbit donations from OKdo have been delivered to children in Africa, the Balkans, Colombia, the Middle East, rural Canada, New Mexico and inner-city locations in England and Scotland, to get them engaged in the competition, and ongoing computer science skills and digital learning.”
Build on pupil-lead ideas
Science can be found in all aspects of a child’s life. The experiences they encounter throughout their lives build their senses and social awareness, making them valuable subjects to discuss in a lesson. The ideas discussed in their lessons may not be scientifically accurate. However, this is a great opportunity to back up the truth with evidence and help expand their knowledge about subjects they are interested in.
Take it outside
Hands-on learning is a great way to keep your children engaged in the subjects they learn about in class. Outdoor learning has become increasingly popular since the start of the pandemic. Being practical and interacting with the outdoors is the perfect way to combine education and fun. Working with nature is a great way for children to make connections between the environment they live in and science. You can set out skills and objectives for your class, helping them build up their valuable scientific skills. You can practice observing, analysis, experimentation, counting and many other skills. The children’s natural curiosity matched with the values skills they are learning within their science lesson will give them an enhanced understanding of the scientific processes they are using.
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