The start of a new year is the perfect time to jumpstart your marketing efforts and bring your business to a new level. You need to develop a great marketing strategy to have people know about your products or services. Without the proper marketing strategies in place, people won’t even know that you exist, and your high-quality product or service will remain unsold. As you want to increase your revenue and get your small business out there, you should consider some of the best ways to advertise a small business online in 2023. Keep reading to learn more about them.
Among the top ways to advertise a small business online are pay-per-click ads and advertising on relevant social media channels. There is also email marketing, which can be quite effective. The year ahead emphasizes the importance of partnering up with an influencer, so you should consider it too. Moreover, what we can also do as small business owners is advertising through video content – more on that later.
Pay-per-Click Ads
Pay-per-click advertising remains one of the most powerful online advertising tools for both small and large businesses. According to statistics, businesses make an average of two dollars for every one dollar invested in this kind of advertising. A huge advantage of pay-per-click advertising is that you only pay for ads that people click on. As a small business set out for success, you should definitely tap into the power of search engine ads for a reasonable cost. Google ads enable you to target and test specific markets as well as run campaigns. It is a cost-effective marketing strategy that can attract prospective consumers if done in the right way. Let’s say that you sell wholesale jackets. When you set up a PPC campaign, you will only pay for ads that people looking to buy wholesale jackets clicked on. This increases your chances of achieving greater revenue.
Advertising on Relevant Social Media Channels
Social media channels are the next relevant online advertising tool for a small business. But not any or all social media platforms are beneficial, just the ones being used the most by your target audience. So, you should know your target audience before choosing relevant social media channels for advertising. All the most popular social media channels, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, have an option for paid advertising. It’s become usual for people to see ads on these social media platforms. Even though many people skip them, they still see them, which makes the advertised products or services familiar.
Email Marketing
Opening new emails have changed over the past 15 years – back then, you opened every email you received, while nowadays, things are a bit different. Email opening rates have decreased to only 22%. However, that doesn’t mean that email marketing has no effect. Depending on your market, you can still reach consumers by email. Email marketing is often tailored into a broader campaign that aims to keep your products and services top of mind for your consumers.
Partnering up with an Influencer
Another plausible online advertising alternative has become more and more popular – partnering up with an influencer. It is a relatively new concept of advertising that is still somewhat untested. This model of advertising has merged with the popularity of microcelebrities and influencers. There are different tiers of influencers based on the number of people following them, but on average, influencers are followed by 10,000 and more people. Influencer marketing helps in growing your brand reach and increasing sales. What you can do is find relevant influencers for your small business. This should be a person whose followers are your target audience. Their cost will depend on the number of followers they have and on some additional factors.
Advertising Through Video Content
YouTube is the most popular video platform, with more than 80% of people watching it every day, leading us to the conclusion about its huge advertising potential. The video format is a great way to build trust within your community and offers paid advertising options. It has been proven that businesses that use video content as part of their advertising strategy engage better with their consumers.
These are just some of the top online advertising options for small businesses – there are more effective ones. You can find out more about them online and decide which ones are the best for your business.
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