Guilt is a powerful emotion that can make you do things you really don’t want to do. Like when you agree to join a local committee even though you barely have time to get your work done as it is, or when you tell a client that you’ll take on a larger project knowing that it is going to cut into your family time. On the flip side, guilt can also keep you from doing the things you do want to do, such as scheduling that massage that you know would feel oh so good, yet always put off telling yourself “I’ll get to it as soon as I get the time.”
Well, prepare to pencil this wonderful experience into your schedule because, in an exclusive interview with Dr. Rod Weiland (Chiropractor) of Active Back Care in Castle Hill, Sydney, Australia, he has identified four guilt-free reasons as to why every small business owner should get regular massages.
Guilt-Free Reason #1: It Boosts Your Productivity
Do you sometimes feel as if you have a difficult time concentrating on the task at hand? Or, maybe you’re working on an issue and really struggling to find a workable solution. Massage can help both of these types of situations as it works to increase your focus and clarity, thus also boosting your productivity. How?
As Dr. Weiland explains, “The ‘busy-ness’ of business usually causes the big muscles at the base of the skull and across the shoulders to tighten up. This reduces blood flow and hence oxygenation of the muscles of the scalp and head, often resulting in tension, headaches and fatigue. This makes it hard to think as clearly as one should when important decisions need to be made. We have many senior executives who regularly schedule a short, intensive massage to work out those knots and stimulate healthy blood flow before any important business meeting.”
The ‘busy-ness’ of business usually causes the big muscles at the base of the skull and across the shoulders to tighten up. This reduces blood flow and hence oxygenation of the muscles of the scalp and head, often resulting in tension, headaches and fatigue.
So, if you have a big business event on the horizon, scheduling a massage beforehand can help make you more effective. That kind of makes getting one more of a necessity than a luxury, don’t you think?
Guilt-Free Reason #2: It Improves Your Health
Getting a massage not only benefits you mentally, but it offers physical advantages as well. For starters, spending a lot of time “sitting on the job” can result in a hunched posture that leaves you with rounded shoulders, a slumped chest, and your head leaning forward.
This postural position strains muscles, ligaments, and joints, in addition to creating chronic muscle tension. The final result is a build-up of lactic acid and toxins, both of which cause muscle aches and pains which can make your day harder to get through and certainly less enjoyable.
Regular massages work on your muscles to help break the cycle of poor posture, stimulating the blood flow to the muscles, increasing their range of motion and decreasing their fatigue. Furthermore, it also helps flush the toxins out of them, thereby increasing your health and well-being overall.
Guilt-Free Reason #3: It Reduces Stress
If you think that your stress isn’t really affecting you, then you might want to think again. According to The American Institute of Stress, stress is behind 60 percent of all adverse health conditions. It can lead to heart disease, heart attack, and stroke, and three-quarters of all doctor’s visits are caused by stress, costing us roughly $300 billion a year (which is more than what we’re paying thanks to the obesity epidemic). Know what helps with stress? Massage.
Spending a little quality “me time” can help you unwind mentally and physically, potentially lowering your risk of life-threatening conditions and saving you from numerous doctor’s visits and expensive medical bills. It also helps ensure that you’ll be around long enough to enjoy the fruits of your labor, which really is the purpose of all of this, isn’t it?
Guilt-Free Reason #4: It Releases Your Natural “Happy Drug”
Dr. Weiland points out that receiving a massage causes your body to release endorphins, which are your body’s natural “happy drugs.” This is why you feel more energetic and alive after having a massage. It puts you in a better mood and is like getting a “super-charged shot of positivity” as he likes to call it.
Consequently, this effect also makes a massage a great gift to give to your employees, especially if you want to lighten your work environment and brighten their dispositions. It’s one way of showing that you care for their health and wellness, while enjoying the benefits yourself of a more positive workplace.
There you have it, four guilt-free reasons to get regular massages. So, pick up the phone and schedule yours today. Your health and wellness, as well as your business, may just depend on it.
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