Can you think of the last product or service you invested in, that you did not regret purchasing afterward? What was it that stood out to you, and made you feel like you just had to have it?
The truth is, customer service does not come after a sale is made as a way of managing your customers. Customer service is everything that leads up to a sale and it comes across in your marketing and sales.
For a new business that is just starting out, you may think customer service doesn’t matter because you’re too new. But actually, leading with customer service and using it to drive your sales and marketing builds trust on the front end of the sales process, instead of trying to win it later or after something goes wrong.
Think of the last thing you invested in that you felt good about from start to finish. That is the greatest feeling in the world to give your customers. Providing your customers with that experience is the most profitable thing you can do, because it lowers your refund rate, builds an actual relationship with your customers, and keeps you in business longer, allowing you to offer more and more to a warm and even starving crowd.
But how can you create that feeling in your customers when you’re just starting out? Here are three ways you can marry your customer service with your marketing to drive more sales in less time.
Be Yourself
When I first started my business, I wasn’t sure how to market. But I learned that marketing is only communication between two people, even if you are marketing to a million people at once. Your message has to come across like you are talking to one person and one person only.
One of the easiest ways to create sales copy for your business is to pretend you are just talking to a friend or a co-worker. Simply explain to them why your product or service can make a difference in their life. Tell the story of your pain that led to its creation, or how you had this crazy idea pop into your head and how that motivated you to complete something for the first time in your life.
Business seems so complex, and it is because there’s so much to learn and there are so many moving parts. At the end of the day, business is just people, and all you have to do is create a system that allows you to package who you are and place it in the right spots for the people who need what you have to offer.
Don’t Overthink It
I once heard that people only buy from people they know, like, and trust. Which is true. But here’s the thing, sometimes we overcomplicate our marketing and sales when we don’t need to. Leading with customer service means finding meaningful opportunities in our marketing and sales. This allows you to come across as someone who is only trying to help someone else, or show them something cool they should buy.
Think of the last ad you ignored. What was it that didn’t resonate with you? Did it come across as too salesy or was it something they said or didn’t say?
Sometimes we unknowingly do that to customers who could really benefit from what we have to offer because we didn’t know how to build a connection with them in the first few moments they interacted with our business. This doesn’t have to be anything complicated either, just something small that lets people know you are a person too and helps them find common ground with you and your business.
Trust and Credibility
Small businesses take off when they figure out what their trust and credibility markers are. When you lead with all the reasons why people can trust you, it lowers the resistance they feel toward you and allows you the opportunity to explain how you can help them or add value to their lives.
This is often seen as a marketing or sales tactic, but actually it is customer service. Think about it for a second, if people only buy from people they know, like, and trust, then you have to find ways to build that bridge with your potential customers in a way that resonates with them and reminds them that you are a person too (almost instantly).
Here are thirteen ways you can build trust and credibility with potential customers.
By finding the right ones for you to start with and adding a personal touch to them, you can really skyrocket your sales while giving people a warm and fuzzy feeling about your business. I recommend you research them all and brainstorm ways you can check off all of these boxes in your business. This will give you direction and a plan for doing marketing and sales as well. When you know what to go after and you do enough meditation and research on how to obtain it, you will reach your target every single time.
- Customer Reviews and Testimonials
- Professional Website
- Accreditations and Certifications
- Awards and Recognitions
- Case Studies and Portfolios
- Content Marketing
- Social Proof
- Partnerships and Collaborations
- Transparency
- Security and Privacy
- Media Coverage
- Client Lists
- Authenticity and Storytelling
Customer Service isn’t just answering emails, issuing refunds, handling complaints, solving service issues, and dealing with tough customers. Customer service also defines your branding and how you come across to people who qualify to be your customer. The first impression you make on potential customers can make or break the sale, even with little to no interaction between them and your business.
With just a little bit of thought and mindfulness, you can establish a deep bond with your customers which makes them instantly know, like, and trust you. And this simple thing can catapult your success, optimize your marketing, generate more sales for your business, and create lifelong customer relationships – just by being nice and showing people that you are a person just like them.
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