When I moved across the country from Michigan to California, I decided that it was the perfect time to take my freelance career to a higher level. Sure, I was doing fairly well on my own, constantly striving to learn everything I needed to succeed as I went along, but I also knew that I could go much further and at a faster rate if I chose to work with others who have already achieved what I intended to achieve. Therefore, I decided to join a mastermind group being led by a writer who has created a successful freelance career for herself and was willing to share her knowledge and experiences with others hoping to do the same.
What I expected to get out of my monthly interchanges with fellow mastermind members was some tips and tricks to make my trek to success shorter and easier. While I can say that I have learned a few of these in the short time I have been involved, what I have gained from our regular sessions and in-between conversations has been so much more. And somewhat unexpected really.
Reduced Feelings of Being Alone
I’ve always known that I wasn’t the only one working toward creating a higher achieving career and sometimes struggling to achieve it, but I now realize in a face-to-face way that I’m not the only one who feels this way. Certainly, I don’t like to see anyone having a hard time reaching their goals, but it does feel good to know that I am not alone in my journey. We all have times when we don’t know where to go and what to do, even if it doesn’t always appear that way.
A Higher Level of Accountability
When you’re running your business on your own, you don’t always feel accountable to anyone. Yes, you may have suppliers you have to pay or clients you have to satisfy but, by and large, you’re really only accountable to yourself. This changes when you join a mastermind. Suddenly there is a whole group of people reminding you to do the things you said you would and checking on you to see if you’ve done them. There’s no more putting things off or else you’re going to get called on it, forcing you to stick to your word and do what you say.
An Experienced Sounding Board
Sometimes in business you are faced with a decision and aren’t sure which way to go. And unless you know someone else in similar shoes, you’re often left making your choice alone, simply hoping for the best resolution possible. Become part of a mastermind group though and you now have a huge sounding board at which you can throw your dilemma and get multiple different viewpoints and considerations in return. This helps you look at your situation in a number of ways, giving you a bigger picture view that will likely end in you selecting a better outcome.
Access to a Variety of New and Helpful Resources
Usually, the answers to all of your burning questions are out there somewhere, yet they can sometimes be difficult to find. However, I have discovered that my mastermind group has introduced to a lot of new resources that I didn’t even know existed. This allows me to expand my knowledge and experiences in ways that wouldn’t have necessarily been available or known to me had I not joined my group and met people willing to share them.
Some Much Needed Support
Everyone has those days when you’re not feeling your best and you could really use a few words of encouragement that you’re on the right path. When I found myself in this particular position, I reached out to my mastermind group and, much to my surprise, many reached back with supportive and reassuring words that left me feeling more inspired and motivated. It’s that same type of feeling you get after having an in-depth talk with an old, trusted friend. You walk away with your head higher and your shoulders lighter with a renewed sense of energy and ready to take on the world.
Are You Ready to Join a Mastermind?
If you read these unexpected benefits and are ready to join your own mastermind, experiencing firsthand these advantages and more, you have a few options to consider. First, you can ask around your local community and see if anyone there knows of a mastermind group you could join that would benefit you and help you reach your goals.
If you don’t have any luck there, The Success Alliance lists a couple of different mastermind groups around the nation (such as CEO Performance Mastermind and Intentional Entrepreneurs), providing the group’s contact information, possible fees, and website so that you can learn more if you find one that interests you. Some meet in physical locations and others via teleconference, allowing you to choose one that best fits your individual needs.
Another option is to search for MasterMinds Meetups. This website offers you access to mastermind groups around the world, sharing how many people are currently involved in each one, what the group is about, and what types of topics they discuss. With groups based out of 27 different countries and 225 cities, you’re sure to find at least one that is worth checking out.
Create Your Own Mastermind
And if you can’t find one that makes you want to sign up instantly, propelling you professionally and personally, you can always create your own. Chris Ducker, Virtual CEO, offers some guidance if you decide to take this route. Here are a few steps that he recommends:
- Ask people you know or those you are connected with on social media if they’d like to join your mastermind group
- Schedule weekly meetings and either meet in person or convene the group using some type of video chat capability, such as Skype, so everyone can attend no matter where they are
- Create a cloud-based area where you can share documents, posts, and videos with each other
- Use the first meeting to get to know the group members, set up expectations, and create clear and defined goals
- For subsequent meetings, go over individual topics, even focusing on just one member of the mastermind per meeting if you’d like, continuing this pattern on a weekly basis
Masterminds can be great ways to grow yourself and your business, providing you some much needed help and guidance along the way. If you are currently or have been part of a mastermind, what are your thoughts about them? Is there anything you can add to help others who are considering joining a group like this? Feel free to share below!
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