Most people know Amazon for their ability to offer their customers the right to purchase most any mass manufactured item on the planet. You can buy a whole range of items for your home, family, friends, self, vehicles, yard, hobbies, work, and pets all by shopping on this one-stop platform.
However, this mega-giant retailer has recently taken their business one step further, expanding their reach by opening their doors to welcome more small business owners who create and sell “unique, handcrafted goods.” They do this through a platform called Handmade at Amazon which enables smaller vendors (which they define as businesses with 20 or less employees) to showcase their handmade goods for the rest of the world to see, fall in love with, and ultimately purchase.
If these are the type of products you create at your small business, then you may be wondering whether pursuing this route would be a good decision for you. To help you make that call, I’ve reached out to someone who has used Handmade at Amazon and she has been gracious enough to share her experience with me, and therefore, you.
Her name is Courtenay Madsen and her products are hand stamped jewelry, which she sells on Handmade at Amazon via her Artisan Profile page listed under Courtenay J Designs. Here are her thoughts about Amazon’s newest selling platform after having used it for a couple of months:
What do you think of Handmade at Amazon?
Overall, Handmade at Amazon has been okay. I have had two sales without running any ads through Amazon. Advertising is in my plans for the near future though which is one of the things that makes the Amazon platform so attractive – the ability to reach so many people.
How easy do you find it to use?
It’s definitely not the easiest system to use if you’re used to Etsy or even Shopify. Usually listing items on a new system can be confusing at first, but once you list a couple items and find your groove, it’s not a big deal. Amazon asks for a lot more information, and you have to go through a couple pages to complete a listing.
Any problems you’ve encountered?
The first big issue for me was not being able to list items from my phone. I use my phone to take product pics so I have to email them, save them on my computer, then upload to Amazon and complete the listing.
I am a massage therapist as well, and I’m at my office ten hours a day. If I get a cancellation I try to use that time to work on my jewelry business. With my own website I can upload right from my phone so it’s something I have gotten used to doing. Amazon says they are going to enable mobile uploading in the future. Fingers crossed.
What kind of results are you getting?
I’ve had two sales. Hoping for more in the future after I advertise.
Any advice you have to offer others thinking of using this website?
With anything new there is always room for improvement. I encourage handmade artists to apply. I love the fact that they have an actual application process that requires approval before someone can set up shop. It’s hard to compete with people who have never actually made anything in their life, but amazingly enough are able to call their imported wholesale goods handmade.
This is what Courtenay has thought of Handmade at Amazon, so if you’ve worked on this platform, I’d love to know what you think of it too! Simply fill in the comment section below and let us know whether it gets a thumbs up or thumbs down based on your experience!
I’m always interested in learning other small business owners’ thoughts on relevant topics and issues, so if you have a comment or unique article idea, feel free to contact me at [email protected] (put “Businessing Magazine” in the subject line, please). If I use it, it’s a free link to your website!
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