There are a myriad of resources available to the internet marketer, some better than others — and some more expensive than others. Depending on the nature of your marketing strategy, forking over some cash for high-quality, complex tools might be a good choice. But if you are on a tight budget, or simply don’t need anything too intricate, these tools are my favorites that won’t break the bank. While most offer premium upgrade options, all are available free when used in their basic format.
For SEO: Traffic Travis
Traffic Travis is an excellent option for a user-friendly SEO software. It’s particularly well-suited to those without a lot of SEO knowledge or experience. With the free download, Traffic Travis lets you check the health of your website and keep an eye on its SEO performance. You can also find out where your site appears in the rankings for selected keywords and analyze which sites are performing best for those same keywords, so you can analyze their SEO strategy.
For Social Media: Hootsuite
Social media scheduling is a vital element of internet marketing. No one has time to be on every account, all the time, posting fresh content. Hootsuite helps you stay relevant by managing all of your accounts in one place and scheduling posts for the future, so you don’t have to be sitting at a desk to be engaging with your social communities.
For Content Titles: CoSchedule Headline Analyzer
The titles of your blog posts and articles are how people find your marketing content. They have to be good — great, even — and, well…coming up with great ideas all the time is tough.
The CoSchedule Headline Analyzer lets you insert a working title and then makes suggestions to help you improve that headline’s “grade.” It judges your headline based on length, sentiment, and wording, and shows you where you can improve. It’s a free tool that takes only a few minutes to use, and it could result in a lot more readers discovering your content.
For Data: Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a vital tool for understanding your audience. It provides you with data and allows you to use the data to create reports and test different strategies on your website. The information provided by Google Analytics will optimize your website in a way few other free tools can.
For Organization: Trello
Okay, so this isn’t exactly a tool for internet marketing in a specific sense, but Trello can help you be a better marketer by being more organized. You create boards that you can share with your team and use the boards to track the progress of various projects. Even if you just use this to track your internet marketing efforts and monitor how your staff collaborates, it will be hugely useful. But I’d recommend using it for all aspects of business!
For Keywords: Übersuggest
Übersuggest uses Google suggest and other similar tools to give you a massive list of keywords that you can use in your marketing efforts. Keywords play a huge role in a successful internet marketing campaign, and the list you get from Übersuggest is based on actual search queries. Use the list to find out what people want to know and give it to them.
For Email Marketing: MailChimp
A major pillar of internet marketing is a healthy email list. MailChimp is an excellent resource for designing and distributing your newsletters and email campaigns to your list. It can also help you increase your subscribers with simple Facebook and WordPress integrations.
MailChimp is only free for subscriber lists under 2,000. Once you have more people on your list, there is a pricing plan depending on the number of emails you send and the number of subscribers you have.
For New Websites: KnowEm
KnowEm is a simple, free tool that can help you find domain names for websites and social media handles. If you have a domain name in mind, plug it into you KnowEm and it will tell you if it’s already taken. It will also give you information about trademark and patent trouble you might have down the line.
For WordPress: WordPress SEO
This suggestion is specifically for the WordPress users out there. The WordPress SEO tool will improve your content by making it more searchable and Google-friendly. It can help you optimize your posts for a focus keyword to ensure more people find them.
If you find a tool you really love, it’s worth considering an upgrade to the premium option. If what you’re getting for free is helping you, the paid version will often be productive, too. These tools can help you simplify and organize your internet marketing strategies, so use the resources available to you to improve your campaigns and get better results.
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