Each day of the workweek I send and receive more than 500 emails. And each morning starts by going through at least 100 notifications from our project management software, our servers and clients. And of course a slew of junk mail. But sometimes I encounter spam schemes that stand out for their aggressive, persistent or offensive approach to getting attention. With that in mind, here’s a look at what JustCloud.com did to me this morning …
7:45am: I wake up and begin my email routine.
7:56am: I receive an email from “JustCloud” titled “Welcome to JustCloud”. The email contains an automated, but personalized, message that welcomes me to JustCloud, an online backup server that I’ve never heard of, let alone signed up for. The message continues to welcome me, provides a username and a link to “activate” my account. The email takes an insistent approach that I created an account with them, which of course is false. It took me a minute to realize that it was spam, and that they are probably just trying to grow their user base in a tricky and deceptive manner. Email deleted.
8:04am: While continuing with my usual morning routine of processing emails, I receive an email from “Gabriel” at JustCloud. This one is titled “Let me introduce myself, Matt”. Here’s what this one says:
Thanks for choosing JustCloud, my name is Gabriel and I’ll be your first point of contact if you need any help.
Very shortly you will realize that JustCloud is very simple to use, but so valuable in day-to-day life.
[… Redacted: a few paragraphs of marketing speak and product features …]
Anyway Matt, if you need anything just let me know.
Best Regards,
Account Manager
So now I’m starting to get irritated. Email deleted.
8:09am: Trying to get to back to work, and the next email arrives from JustCloud. This one is titled “Is everything okay Matt?”. This one reads as follows:
Hi Matt
I just wanted to drop you a quick email as I noticed you have not yet installed our software.
Your free JustCloud account is set up and ready, you just need to install our secure app to start backing up your files.
[… Redacted: account information, links to activate account, etc…]
I hope this helps
Best Regards,
Account Manager
So now I’m starting to get really irritated. This is the third message from them in 13 minutes. Not cool! Email deleted.
8:54am: Now I’ve forgotten about the JustCloud spam and am deep into the work day. Then, boom, another spam message from these jerks. This one is titled “Protect Your Computer Files Now!”. Here’s what this one says …
Hi Matt
It has been one hour since you signed up for JustCloud but you still haven’t backed up a computer.
JustCloud is extremely easy to use and will protect your files in minutes.
Matt use this link to download the JustCloud application which will run silently on your computer backing up your files and documents.
[… Redacted: account information, links to activate account, etc…]
Thank you for choosing JustCloud,
Best Wishes,
Account Manager
I don’t know what this company expects to gain by hammering people with a quick series of messages, all predicated on a lie (that I signed up for an account). Not only that, but who asks if “everything is okay” five minutes after their previous message? Both Gabriel and the generic JustCloud email addresses are now blocked and reported as spammers.
So here’s my advice to small business owners who are interested in growing their membership service. Just send one email. I read most of the messages that come in. Just pitch your service, annunciation the benefits I’ll enjoy by using your service and give me a simple call to action. Don’t pretend that I requested your service. Don’t try to trick people into clicking a link. Don’t be a shady company.
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