In most companies, human resources is at the heart of things. Beyond hiring and firing, the human resources department manages, organizes, tracks, and coaches all the employees under the department’s care. They deal with a lot of complex and sensitive issues. Here are the top 11 issues in the modern office that HR professionals are involved with.
Recruiting People
Locating the perfect blend of skills, abilities, and personality can be a difficult job, and the larger the company is, the more difficult the task. With each interview comes notes to be recorded and details to compare. HR must also store applications for years in case positions come available for outstanding candidates.
Training Recruits
Educating, training, and certifying employees is part of the HR department’s role in most business operations. To help stay on top of due dates, employee management software can be used. Printouts for each employee can be made available every month to encourage employees to take responsibility for scheduling all necessary training.
Providing Handbooks
Documenting company policies, expectations, and rules is the HR department’s job and is usually defined in the company handbook. There should also be a section on how to address workplace problems, dangerous situational escape routes, and the names of important company personnel.
Retaining Talent
HR knows that employees are the lifeblood of the company, and it is a difficult balancing act to have the correct combination of incentives and remunerations to retain talent without draining the company financially. HR is also responsible for fulfilling all the promises made when talent was hired.
Encouraging Productivity
Keeping the business operating at an efficient level is often tasked to the HR department, and the unit is responsible for conducting any necessary T&M studies to define production problems. Programs are implemented that can help with the task, making the assignment much easier.
Harnessing Harassment
Most states prohibit harassment in the workplace, and the HR department is responsible for keeping all records of such events. Whether the attacks are physical, mental, or emotional, it is against the law, and therefore, the company needs to take appropriate disciplinary actions.
Teaching Safety
The law requires all businesses to keep records on health and safety issues within the company. This information includes trade memberships, certifications, professional qualifications, and past safety problems. These records can protect the company from legal ramifications should questions about problems with personnel or machinery arise.
Disciplining Employees
The least favorite part of HR department’s responsibility is the discipline of managers and employees when incidents occur. Making sure to walk a legal and ethical line at all times, HR must keep open communication between employees, union representatives, managers, and necessary corporate heads. Strict records can keep legal actions from being taken as necessary discipline actions occur.
Reducing Discrimination
Diversity and discrimination are hot topics within most companies, and HR is in the hot-seat of trying to reduce discrimination and promote diversity. Keeping track of employment record demographics and diversity is only the first step. HR is also responsible for dealing with any accusation of discrimination and disciplinary actions that are a result of such accusations.
Protecting Payroll
Although there may be questions about who is responsible for payroll, the ultimate accountability of who defines salaries and perks lands with the HR department. Payroll software can help keep track of when raises are due, what bonuses were promised, and which employee has wage attachments.
Outsourcing Workforce
When a position doesn’t warrant a new hire, HR may choose to employ a freelancer or outsource a task to a secondary company. Although guaranteeing high standards and professional specifications are met can be difficult, if vetting is thorough and the contract complete, employment of the outsourced staff members can work to the advantage of all concerned.
Most people underestimate the importance of the HR department, but it truly is the heart of a thriving company. If you have concerns or questions, visit your human resources department for answers to any problems you have.
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