Many entrepreneurs are afraid to entrust business to another person and think no employee will do as well as they do. This causes them to fall into a rut, forget about strategic tasks, and waste time trying to figure out the basics instead of bringing in an expert. Yet, companies like PlayAmo Casino Canada know how to delegate, and it makes them grow. Here are a few tips on how to improve this skill.
Assess the Team
As a leader, you need to know the strengths and weaknesses of each employee. Take a look at the team and assign tasks to those who have the right skill. This seems obvious, but many leaders delegate to someone who has a lower workload rather than who is capable.
Explain the Task in Detail
Include instructions even when the process seems clear to you. If there are specific conditions, tell the employee. Preferably, have him recount how he understood the task. Details or simple instructions from the beginning will help to avoid problems.
Often the result is not what you want because you haven’t specified what the task is for. For example, you ask to make a table with data, but if you haven’t explained why they are important, the work will be done superficially.
Load up Gradually
Don’t hand over all the tasks at once. Start with a small goal and suggest that you work together to develop a plan to help achieve it. Set a probationary period or give a test assignment to the employee.
Make each new task more difficult for the highly qualified person. He should feel that he is developing. When the employee is not interested, he treats things carelessly, makes mistakes, and works slower.
Set Deadlines
If the work depends not only on the employee, but also on other professionals or circumstances, still put a deadline. The person must be accountable for what he or she has been assigned. Don’t accept responses to a missed deadline like, “Well, it’s not me doing it, it’s our new manager.”
You should not be informed of anything that can be resolved without your involvement. When a question comes up, it should be phrased in such a way that you answer it either “yes” or “no.” This way, processes work more efficiently, employees become self-reliant, and you save time.
Verify the Work
Check that the task is going according to plan. Give the employee three weeks, but don’t wait the whole time to see results. Do spot checks, see how the work is moving, make sure the person doesn’t run into any obstacles.
Don’t demand minute-by-minute reports. The person must understand what you expect as a result, and how to steer the process is up to him.
Never Punish for Mistakes
Teach your employees not to be afraid to make mistakes. But if they fail, give them constructive criticism and sort out the reasons for the mistakes. The manager’s job is to make sure the person doesn’t step on the same rake a second time.
Watch the Atmosphere in the Team
Keep a comfortable environment in the team, where everyone works without aggressive rivalry and fighting.The fact that you asked someone to take over your daily duties should be known by the whole team. This will save conflicts.
Motivate Properly
Corporate spirit and a sense of self-worth are important to many people. To help create an environment where employees feel this, you could talk to each employee once a month or listen to suggestions or complaints. A large component of motivation is material. The language of money is understood by everyone.
Give employees freedom as independence reveals specialists. If you set the task correctly: limit the resources, describe a specific result, give a deadline, and delegate the responsibility, then an adequate employee will do what is necessary.
An incompetent employee will procrastinate, or do the job just to check a box, or pass the responsibility on to someone else. Constant control will not let the person grow and make decisions by himself. He will simply stop taking the initiative.
Do not let things slide. If personnel management is not your strong suit, delegate it to a specialist.
Be Accountable for Results
When you delegate responsibility, you don’t absolve yourself of it as a manager. You are also responsible for failure if an employee has made a mistake.
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