No matter what kind of startup you’re running, you should always aim at generating leads and converting those leads into sales. However, studies have shown that 46% of startups fail because they don’t acquire enough customers. What this means is that generating leads isn’t as easy as some people would have you believe. Luckily, if you follow some ways that have proven to be effective, you should be able to make lead generation easy for your startup. So, without further ado, let’s take a closer look at 5 lead generation tips you’ll definitely want to follow.
Make Your Website Easy to Access
Your website is one of the places where you’ll be generating your leads, but this won’t be the case if your customers have trouble accessing your website. In fact, according to experts, a slow and difficult-to-use website is the biggest turn off for prospects. Therefore, you’ll want to put a lot of effort into designing your website. If you’re not expert in coding, it’s always a good idea to turn to a company that will design your website for you. Of course, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be involved in the process. We also recommend asking these professionals to make your website mobile-friendly, since people are now using mobile devices like smartphones and tablets more than ever.
Start a Blog
Starting your own blog is a great way to generate leads. What’s so great about having a blog is that it allows you to stay in control of what is said and hold the attention of the reader. Another reason why you might want to consider this idea is because you don’t need anything besides your expertise and some effort in order to make it work. When it comes to optimizing your blog for lead generation, we recommend including a sign-up section for your newsletter. Moreover, you can use margins to market your products or services. Last but not least, you should aim at including a call-to-action into each of your blog posts. Just make sure you give your readers a real reason why they should take the desired action.
Embrace LinkedIn
If you’re running a B2B business, LinkedIn is a social media platform you definitely don’t want to overlook. You can use LinkedIn to build networking strategy and stay in touch with companies you want to sell to. Many people out there have a LinkedIn account but they simply don’t use it too often, which is a huge mistake. So, instead of just starting your LinkedIn page and calling it a day, try to be as active as possible and use it for your research. You can use this platform to figure out which companies and B2B buyers might be interested in buying from you and simply try to get in touch with them. That way, you’ll be warming up the call or email you’ll eventually have to send in order to start working with them.
Go for Telemarketing
Even though many businesses today focus on generating leads online, there are some more traditional ways to bring in more customers. And one of these is telemarketing. There’s hardly a better way to approach a prospective customer than to talk to them about the products or services your business offers. That way, you won’t only get a chance to promote your business, but you’ll also be able to hear what prospective customers have to say.
Be Active on Forums
We all know there are plenty of forums on the web. People use these mostly to ask questions they need an answer to and that’s why these might come in handy when it comes to lead generation. What this means is that you should always have one person in charge of being active on forums and providing help to people who might eventually become your customers. Every question a user asks about anything related to your work can be used as an opportunity to pitch your business. No matter if you choose to do this yourself or have an employee engage in forum discussions for you, you’ll want your profile to use a signature that’ll take prospects to your website, where they can find out more about your business.
Leads need care and nurturing, and you’ll want to start generating them as soon as possible. Fail to do this and you’ll find your startup falling behind the competition.
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