If there’s one thing you can be sure of in life, it’s that change is inevitable. This is especially true when it comes to running a business. The economy changes, as does technology and regulations. This means, there’s going to be times where your company is going to need to adjust. If your …

Strategizing Articles and Interviews (category)
The most successful business owners are always thinking ahead. If you are a new business owner, strategizing about mission statements, corporate culture and business plans are things you would be smart to address early on. More seasoned business owners can benefit from articles on everything from setting client expectations to creating a niche for your small business
3 Reasons Small Businesses Need to Offer Remote Working
By 2028, almost three quarters (73%) of all departments will have remote workers, according to Upwork’s Future Workplace Report. Remote working is rapidly shifting from a sought-after perk to a workplace standard for businesses concerned with attracting and keeping the best talent. Surveys and …
Slot Machine Cheats That Work
Any slot machine will have the same function as the next. A bet is placed, a spin is initiated, and the internal computer chip determines in a random fashion whether the player wins or not. A Random Number Generator will run through thousands upon thousands of number combinations and will stop …
The Importance of Having a Backup When You Go to Resign
It’s 2:00 p.m. on a Friday afternoon and you’re about to approach your manager for the purpose of resigning so that you can take a position with a competing company. You’re fully prepared, having read up on how to get ready to quit and, even, about what your letter of resignation should say (or …
5 Effective Tips to Prevent Injuries in the Workplace
It should go without saying that injury prevention in the workplace needs to be at the top of your list of priorities, and for a number of key reasons. Not only does injury prevention eliminate legal liabilities that can ruin your brand’s reputation, it also eliminates the subsequent medical and …
Investment Opportunities That Do Not Require Large Sums of Capital
More and more people are looking for investment opportunities to dip their tow in the water in the world of investments. Whether this is business or personally related - future planning and proofing is becoming ever more common place. Contrary to popular belief, you do not always need vast sums of …