There are many different kinds of insurance you can get for a business. Not all companies will need every insurance variety. It’s probably best, if you’re starting a company, to talk to an insurance broker about the kinds you’re most likely to need. You probably already know you’ll need things …
Company Car Articles and Interviews (tag)
Maximize Your Tax Deductions: Everything You Should Know about Mileage Deductions for the Self-Employed
When you are self-employed, you can deduct your mileage expenses for driving for your business. Mileage deductions can be overlooked, but every cent matters when tax time comes! And, at a rate of 56 cents per mile for 2021, it would be a mistake not to claim it. If you use a car solely for …
Ford Heavy Duty Transmissions – Which is the Best For Towing?
In this article we will discuss the three transmissions that Ford uses in their heavy-duty trucks, the 4R100, 5R110W, and the 6R140. At the end, we will logically compare and contrast the three transmissions until we come to a conclusion on which is best overall for towing/ hauling. 4R100 The …
5 Things to Consider before Purchasing a Business Vehicle
You’re on the hunt for a company car, and you want your purchase to be the best option. However, certain things won’t go your way if you aren’t careful with your choice. You’re buying an asset for your business, so you’ve got to be careful it stays an asset. Otherwise, you may be setting yourself up …
Key Specifications and Styling Features of the New Toyota Rush
As it enters the compact SUV segment, the new Toyota Rush is sure to keep car owners on their toes until its launch. The internet is already showing specifications and features that car users can expect in this vehicle. Whether you are journeying with your family on city roads or are driving on the …
Avoid the Toyota C-HR, Choose the Honda HR-V Instead
Since the existence of four wheelers, there are a number of features and some basic shapes that come in almost all types of automobile manufacturers. If we talk particularly about Sports Utility Vehicles, most of them are pretty similar. The market for SUV buyers and sellers has grown over the years …