There are a myriad of resources available to the internet marketer, some better than others — and some more expensive than others. Depending on the nature of your marketing strategy, forking over some cash for high-quality, complex tools might be a good choice. But if you are on a tight budget, or …
Social Media Marketing Articles and Interviews (tag)
Pedaling Tourism: An Interview With Todd Sebastian of Off the Chain Bike Bus Tours
Businessing Magazine sat down with Todd Sebastian, co-founder of Off the Chain, a bike bus tour company operating in Sacramento, California, to learn more about his unique business and what it takes to succeed in the tourism industry. Todd and his business partner, Jason Blessinger, started Off …
The Best Unexpected Places to Network defines networking as “creating a group of acquaintances and associates and keeping it active through regular communications for mutual benefit.” And some of the most common places to meet these types of professional contacts include Chamber of Commerce get-togethers, …
Kristy Romero of Inspirations Photography: Setting Yourself Apart as a Professional in a Field of Hobbyists
We sat down with Kristy Romero, a newborn and baby photographer in Murrieta, California. We had a lot of questions about what it takes to run a successful photography business, as the industry is known to be quite competitive. Kristy shares her thoughts about marketing, creating a niche, and how she …
The Rise of Social Media in Online Retail: An Infographic
This infographic, submitted to Businessing Magazine by Julian Carroll, Marketing Manager of SnapParcel, points out the latest trends and developments in social shopping. Most notably is the statistic that social shopping is up 26% from 2013 for the top 500 retailers, earning them $3.3 billion from …
Facebook at 12: An Infographic
Facebook is a popular platform for small businesses to engage their customers and advertise to potential customers. With 1.5 billion users now on Facebook, it’s no wonder that businesses are pouring more time and money into it. This infographic, put together by Tom Hopkins of One Productions, …