Each year, more and more small businesses are founded and owned by female entrepreneurs. The world has moved on from the time when men were the providers and women housewives. Nowadays, the number of small businesses owned by women is growing two times faster than other small businesses, and female …
Starting a Business Articles and Interviews (tag)
Is Opening a Consignment Business Right for You?
Fueled in part by America’s recent recession and by our growing interest in recycling of all types of things, consignment stores are growing in popularity. According to America’s Research Group, about 15 percent of Americans will shop at a consignment/resale shop this year. When you compare that …
Switching Gears: From Career Setback to Starting Your Own Business
Whether you’ve lost your job, are underemployed, or were passed over for an important promotion, weathering a career setback can be incredibly stressful. However, career speed bumps also present an exciting opportunity: they allow you to refocus your efforts and pursue a business that truly excites …
Budget-Friendly Start-up Ideas
In recent years, small home-based businesses became vastly popular. Looking for an alternative to the traditional nine-to-five work model, thousands of people are moving their careers under their roofs. While some of those business ideas require skilled labor and financing, most of them are within …
3 Counterintuitive Lessons Artists Can Teach Entrepreneurs
We live in an age of unprecendented opportunity. Everywhere we look, technology is making everything easier. From the books we read to the groceries we buy, our lives are becoming more and more automated. Which introduces a whole new opportunity: Never before has the need for creativity been …
New to Running Your Own Business? Advice from Small Business Owners
I remember when I got out of law enforcement and started my own freelance writing business. It was a big move, but one that I made because I moved from Michigan to California and wanted a career that I would enjoy that’d also enable me to work from anywhere since my husband was likely going to be …