Going to work doesn’t have to be all work and no play. Sure, the main goal of every business or company is to make money and be successful, but there are plenty of different ways to get there and have enjoyable team building along the way.
Contrary to popular opinion, pushing your employees harder and having them spend more hours at work will not result in higher productivity. According to research done by Gallup, as much as 70% of US workers are coming to work without the intention of giving their best performance, which means they are actively disengaged.
On the flip side, around 75% of employees view teamwork as very important. Unsurprisingly, one of the best ways to improve relationships within your company and its teams is to organize team-building events and activities. Although team building may seem like a splurge or an unnecessary cost, it is actually an investment that will help you boost the morale of your employees, and consequently, their engagement.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at six outdoor team building activities your employees will love.
Visiting and Exploring a New City Together
Travelling with your team doesn’t need to involve visiting a different country or a state. It’s more than enough to visit a city that most of your employees have never been to and that has something interesting to offer, whether it’s sights, food, or nightlife.
Taking a casual stroll through the city instead of a guided tour will create a situation where your employees will start conversations and get to know each other better. This kind of outing can eventually help them form deeper connections, especially with members of other teams.
Getting Closer to Nature
This is arguably the best way to get your employees to stop thinking or talking about work. The further away from urban areas, the better.
As for things you can do while in nature, the most obvious choice would be to take your employees on a hike. But, if you really want to engage them and make them feel appreciated, take them to one of many paddle boarding locations. Not only will they be more active and perhaps try something new, but they will also enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way and share their impressions.
Taking Part in Team Sports
If you are looking to organize an effective team-building effort on a budget, team sports are probably the best way to go. Team sports will require your employees to communicate and collaborate with each other. On top of that, putting different teams against each other in a friendly game introduces a healthy competitive edge, which can easily carry over into the office.
Paintball/Laser Tag
If you are looking to thrill your employees and provide them with a bit of an adrenaline rush, paintball or laser tag should be at the top of your list.
Form teams and establish a goal, such as capturing the flag of the opposing team. Or you can award the last person standing, which will require each employee to work hard and rely on their individual skills. This type of team building activity requires not only communication, but also coordination, teamwork, and leadership. That’s why it’s so effective, in addition to being loads of fun.
This is arguably the most fun of all team building options out there. The great thing about driving go-karts is that your employees get to enjoy the rush and the speed, but without the consequences of real racing, since every track is built with safety in mind, and each race is supervised by trained professionals. On top of that, nothing breaks a barrier between a boss and its employees like crashing into each other’s go-karts. Go-karting also fosters competition, where every employee is motivated to give it their best.
Camping is the ideal team activity as your employees will have to work together in order to build a tent, start a fire, and set up a campsite. All of this will enable you to see a side of your employees that you wouldn’t necessarily be able to see at work.
Plus, once you’re all set up at the campsite, you can try some other fun activities, such as hiking or rafting. The only downside of camping is that it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, so make sure beforehand that each employee is on board.
Final Word
While most of these team building activities will cost your company money, you will be able to return all of it and then some through increased employee engagement and productivity. Once you have employees who are happy, productive, and on board with your company culture, it will start to affect your company’s bottom line in a positive way. It’s a win-win for all.
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