There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that times are changing at a fast pace. New technologies are now available to help businesses to operate more efficiently and make life easier for the general public.
Managing Parking
There are many cities, towns, and businesses that have street parking and parking garages that require patrons to pay a fee. One way that technology is making the parking process easier for customers and more efficient for businesses is through the use of a cloud-based parking management system. The integrated system lets the town, city, or business handle all functions involved in patron parking including controlling meters, payments, and citations.
Digital Signage
In the past, signs contained one message and that was all customers saw. Today, with digital signage, businesses can rotate between several messages to communicate more to customers. This is a wonderful advantage for a restaurant that wants to advertise their specials which change every day. Another advantage is that you can change the image and message without having to remove the sign.
Chat Bots
As a business owner, you already know business is not just about attracting people to your website, but also finding ways to keep them there as it’s a proven fact that the longer someone remains engaged at your website the more likely they are to purchase items or services. A great tool that you can use to keep customers engaged on your website is a chatbot. Chatbots pop up and ask meaningful questions, adding a personal touch to the customer’s experience.
Digital Workplace
Many businesses now have technology that allows their employees to work part-time and from home. Integrated technology lets you and your staff use any device to access apps and data through cloud-stored services and centralized data from anywhere. This allows for shared files, project collaboration, and endpoint management that’s unified.
Virtual Assistants
Virtual assistants benefit companies by reducing their need to hire additional full-time employees to complete various time-consuming tasks. These off-site remote workers work part-time and are independent contractors separate from the company who can assist in data entry, transcribing, and administrative duties. In addition to saving on a full-time salary, you’ll also avoid paying for sick time, vacations, and bonuses.
IoT (Internet of Things)
By now you’ve probably heard the term “The Internet of Things” and may wonder how that can help your business. In short, it lets you eliminate the use of an outdated manual tracking system and replace it with automated sensors. The sensors connect to your internet, giving you the ability to monitor your company assets in real-time. This improves customer service, increases the communication between your devices, and saves you money.
5G is the fifth generation in cellular service and can help you access information quickly. This is essential for finalizing business deals. When used in conjunction with IoT, 5G enables you to move large amounts of data in a short period of time. From communication with your consumers to the storage and analysis of data, 5G is sure to be a game-changer for your business.
Hackers are constantly working to find new ways to hack into companies and access their information and customer databases. Thankfully, blockchain technology, also known as DLT, is virtually unbreakable. The reason for this is that the information is distributed, not copied, or transferred. So, there’s no way for a person to alter the original contents.
With technology advancing each day, there are many ways for businesses to improve their security, attract customers, and operate.
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