When you’re operating a small business, you might assume that your outreach is going to be limited based on the size of your business; however, there are more ways than ever for small businesses to reach customers, even if they never step foot inside your brick-and-mortar location. These are five things small businesses can do to improve their remote customer outreach.
Social Media
A great social media presence can turn your business into a star beyond your zip code. So, as you make your pages on different platforms, you should also be finding ways you can build your audience through wider outreach. This can involve paying for ad space as well as doing direct engagement with potential customers based on other purchases they’ve made. Once you’ve started building your audience, hold their attention by making posts that are specifically meant to drive engagement. Social media is where many consumers get most of their info about brands and news, so take advantage of it.
While some assume texting is on its way out, the truth is that texts often encourage more interaction and are more commonly read than emails. People will sign up to receive text messages from businesses they love and want to keep up to date with or will provide their phone number to receive a certain promotion.
Peer to peer texting is a great way to improve your remote customer outreach because it causes all of the people in the text blast to make a decision about your company all at once. If you decide to utilize this remote outreach method, then you should develop your texts to make a good impression. In addition, in the age of smart phones and instant messaging, texts are often read as soon as they arrive. Take advantage of this when planning your next media campaign.
Personal Touch
If you’re running your business with a limited team and have a lot of transactions going through, it can be hard to reach every customer. However, you should try your best to give your communication with them a personal touch. One thing you can try is having email confirmations of orders be formatted to greet them by name so that customers will feel that they are personally connected to your family.
Support Lines
Customers want businesses to give them support, and the best way to do that is through strong communication methods. There should be many ways for your customers to reach you for support, including email and chat boxes. If you’re just starting off, you’ll probably have to stick with email, but the growth of your business should come with the growth of your communication tools as well.
Immediate Access to Items
Getting things right away is a lot more enticing than having to wait for them to come by mail, so you might want your small business to be one that offers digital things exclusively, such as audiobooks and videos. That way, people can get them as soon as they order them. You also don’t have to worry about the hassles of shipping and worry about things getting lost in the mail.
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