In an ideal world, an employer would treat everyone fairly and give them the same opportunities, pay, promotions, and respect. However, sadly, it does not always work like that. Many people suffer from discrimination in the workplace, but they may not even realize it. Once they do, they might be fearful of even worse treatment if they blow the whistle. In this situation, you could find a whistleblower lawyer. Here are a few ways employers may discriminate, and what you should about it.
Against Your Age
Many employees find they are unfairly discriminated against because of their age. There are different types of discrimination ranging from harassment where the employer might consistently make jibes and put down an older employee, or it could be direct discrimination, where the employer may prevent a younger employee from having the same opportunities as their older colleagues, regardless of ability.
Against Your Ethnicity
If an employer is discriminating against you because of your race or ethnicity, then they could refuse to interview you for a position solely on your name. Or, they could say that cultural attire, such as headscarves, are banned from the workplace. Indirect discrimination also counts, which is where certain people might be less able to meet company policies because of their culture.
Against New Mothers
Pregnancy and maternity discrimination is discrimination where women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or returning to work after having a baby are treated unfairly. Examples of this are situations where they are deemed less capable than a man, less committed, or less available because of their situation.
It is illegal for women to be treated less favorably in this way and likewise, they cannot only favor women without children for opportunities.
Against Your Gender
Sex discrimination can be seen in a couple of examples. Firstly, it could be that an employer treats you less favorably when it comes to things like promotions and training because of your sex.
However, it could also be that you are singled out and harassed because of your sex, whether it is in a sexual way or undermining your gender. It can happen to either sex and be from the opposite sex or the same sex, but if it harms your work life then you could take action.
Against Your Disability
Likewise, if you are a victim of discrimination due to having a disability, you are also entitled to challenge it. Any rule or action that makes it harder for a disabled person to function within a workplace, or if they are prevented from opportunities and job progression because of their disability is classed as discrimination.
Employers are also obliged to make reasonable adjustments for anybody with a disability, where necessary, and failure to do so could mean they are discriminating against the employee.
In all of these situations, it is important to be aware of discrimination so that you can challenge it with the support of a lawyer. All employees should feel safe and successful in their job, so you should not hesitate to address any situation where you feel less than your other coworkers.
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