If you’ve enjoyed the content you’ve read on Businessing Magazine, we’d like to recommend an exciting new publication to you. Compendent.com is an online hub that covers a variety of topics from home improvement to health and wellness to travel. All readers are sure to find content on Compendent that is relatable. You’ll be inspired and you’ll most likely learn something new.
The writers at Compendent reside in all parts of the country, and some even live in other parts of the world. Each has his or her own unique perspective and areas of expertise, so you’ll be exposed to a wide range of information and ideas through the articles shared on the site.
Some of the most popular content on Compendent thus far has been the “life hacks” that have been offered up by Compendent’s authors. Take for example the article called “7 Life Hacks that Can Help You Improve Your Health”. Just about everyone wishes they could lead a more healthy lifestyle, but let’s face it, we’re all busy and sometimes eating healthy and exercising just seems like we’re adding more items to our already long “to-do” lists. The author of this article offers some very practical suggestions for helping readers make positive changes like eating more green vegetables, drinking more water, and building more muscle, without having to completely alter their lifestyles. Another article offers practical advice for “Living Large on a Tight Budget”.
The site also offers various tips for homeowners, often written by home improvement experts. For example, the owner of a house painting company offers his advice on what you should do before you even call a painting company to get an initial estimate. An electrician gives tips on what types of electrical upgrades are important for owners of older homes to consider. And an expert in public safety gives her advice for keeping your home safe from burglars.
In addition to the regular line-up of writers at Compendent, the publication also accepts guest posts, including sponsored posts. You can get more information about submitting an article to Compendent or partnering with the publication in other ways by submitting your query here. The publication’s editors are very responsive and are actively pursuing mutually beneficial partnerships with businesses and individuals.
Compendent is part of the Modmedia family of publications, of which Businessing Magazine is also a member.
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