Using infographics to efficiently inform others of complex systems and dense data sets is nothing new. Before the internet, infographics were most commonly seen in newspapers and magazines, as well as mass transit mapping and historical diagrams. Graphic displays in the digital age, while still used for these reasons, have been utilized for a number of other purposes.
For instance, infographics can be used for several different business functions. With help from an infographic design agency, a modern business is able to streamline several aspects of their operations as well as enhance other key areas of the company. These include:
There’s a lot that goes into developing an optimized sales technique, much of which is specific to the industry, market, and even the time of year. Adding in the ever-changing nature of the economy at large, it’s important for businesses to keep their sales team up to speed on all this information. Infographics provide a great way for accomplishing this task in an efficient and effective manner.
Content Marketing
From a consumer/user point-of-view, most people come into contact with infographics as a form of content marketing. Companies can use graphic displays to dynamically demonstrate a particular problem and explain the adequate solution, then disseminate the final product across social media, websites, and email.
Market Research
Infographics can be used to break down consumer demographics, customer feedback, and other key aspects of market research. This is useful for internal presentations as well as adjusting the existing marketing approach to improve its return on investment for the business.
Human Resources
Getting new employees trained and up to speed on company culture is something done on company time. It’s a costly but necessary process, one which can be expedited with infographics. Whether covering the core components of compliance or explaining the workplace dress code, graphic displays bring it all together without the need for the pomp and circumstance of traditional employee orientation.
Corporate Communications
Keeping multiple departments on the same page can be difficult for businesses to achieve. While company-wide emails and memos are indispensable on their face, that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement. Inserting infographics into corporate communications can be a reliable replacement for lengthy-written correspondence. Depending on the weight of the information being relayed, commissioning the creation of an infographic for company communication can be one of the smartest investments a business leader makes.
Before getting started, it’s important to understand the essential elements of infographic design. This is true even if you’re using an outside company to make the design. Otherwise, how will you know if the product they give you is getting the job done?
The basics for optimal infographic design include:
- Use of negative space
- Use of contrasting colors
- Minimal font variety
- Minimal use of icons
- Mind the margins
While they might seem relatively new and hip, infographics have been around for decades. The difference in the digital age is the expansion of uses infographics serve. From a business point-of-view, the benefits of infographics are numerous. As a business leader, you have your pick of ways to use graphic displays for furthering business success.
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