Emails are one of the best ways to stay in touch with your consumers. If you think about it, these digital messages allow your target market to hear from you when it is most convenient for them, whether it is 5 AM and before they have to go to work, or at midnight when they just got home from …

Marketing Articles and Interviews (category)
Whether it’s traditional marketing, internet and email marketing, or social media marketing you want to learn more about, you will find articles here that will help you build your brand, attract customers, and grow your small business. In the digital age, marketing is changing almost on a daily basis. Learn how to market your small business in the most effective ways to reach your target audience.
The Power of Networking: 3 Effective Networking Options to Consider
There is an old adage in business that says “It’s not what you know, but who you know that matters most,” and there is a lot of truth to that. For instance, if it weren’t for my mom putting in a good word for me with her boss, I wouldn’t have gotten my first dish-washing job at the age of 13. This …
The Age of Disinformation
Energy or Noise? Noise. And I say that with a degree of love. I’m from New York, originally, and I appreciate and miss the palpable energy of Manhattan. Tourism-worthy for sure, and I think I could even live there, especially were I not now 45, married with child, and in love with Palm Bay, …
3 Unexpected Audiences for Your Blog
When you are working on ways to create a community around your brand or service, a blog is an effective addition to your communications and marketing strategy. Understood as a community building tool, the blog is a natural extension of your core message and a way to communicate with your audience, …
Why Share Content I Don’t Create?
Stop using social media to broadcast your own message; start creating connections Social media is never as easy at is seems. And there is a simple reason why: it is social space. That means that opinions, voices, conversations and conflict are a part of daily interaction and engagement. Except …
Boost Your Business: Three Ways Having a Book Helps
Stop me if you’ve heard this one already: “A book is the new business card!” I’m hearing it everywhere, too, and while that is a true statement in many ways, there is much, much more to the story. Yes, when a new contact you meet asks for your business card and you’re able to point them toward …