Marketing comes easier to some people than it does for others. Take me, for instance. I hate marketing. There. I said it. I don’t mind marketing for other people as I rather enjoy helping small businesses get their name out in the mainstream by providing “content that sells.” But when it comes to …

Marketing Articles and Interviews (category)
Whether it’s traditional marketing, internet and email marketing, or social media marketing you want to learn more about, you will find articles here that will help you build your brand, attract customers, and grow your small business. In the digital age, marketing is changing almost on a daily basis. Learn how to market your small business in the most effective ways to reach your target audience.
How Amazon Can Help You Beat Your Competition
Just a few months ago, a client contacted me wanting help with a new task. His business had a product that they were going to list on Amazon and they needed a good product description. Correction. They needed a compelling, beat-all-of-the-other-competitors-product-description product description. …
Publish or Perish
Accupressure I walked in to the office of the acupressurist I bring my daughter to each week, and while Barbara at the front desk clicked on her keyboard to update that we were there, I had time to smile, try to look smart, and gaze about at all the many things they had assembled for people at the …
Small Business Marketing Essentials: 2 – The Inner Secret To Branding
Successful branding is accomplished when the business is able to effectively demonstrate the solution it desires to bring to their customer. Notice I said “demonstrate” and not “communicate”. The common business owner spends so much time trying to communicate their brand image through logos, color …
5 Business Events Not to Be Skipped
Owning your own business is definitely time consuming, to say the least. It is hard, but it is rewarding. The time it takes can make it difficult to do anything else however, even if the other things you need to do could be beneficial to your business. There are certain business events out there …
4 Tips to Creating a Subscription-Worthy YouTube Channel Description
According to an article published by the Huffington Post in early 2013, YouTube (a Google Inc company) reported that they were getting one-billion unique visitors each month—or almost half of the people online. Now, I ask you: If your small business is not currently on YouTube, why not? With …