Since advertising began to take shape in the 16th century, the way we get our message out to consumers has changed drastically as technology and society continue to evolve. The advent of the modern internet in the late 20th century propelled us into the digital age. Though the digital world has …

Marketing Articles and Interviews (category)
Whether it’s traditional marketing, internet and email marketing, or social media marketing you want to learn more about, you will find articles here that will help you build your brand, attract customers, and grow your small business. In the digital age, marketing is changing almost on a daily basis. Learn how to market your small business in the most effective ways to reach your target audience.
Quick Fixes for Boring Web Pages
Boring web pages spell failure for most websites online. After all, would you visit and stay on a web page that looks boring and proves difficult to navigate? Many website visitors only take a few seconds of their time to make the dreaded decision: stay and read or go elsewhere and read? If your …
Make Your Instagram Account Work for You
Have you ever wondered why some people or companies are popular on Instagram without seeming to possess any virtue or anything extraordinary that would make them stand out of the crowd? Meanwhile, others who do outstanding work, with interesting content and attractive photos can’t get even get 1000 …
5 Digital Marketing Tips to Increase Your Sales in 2019
New waves of startups and business ventures have hit the market, thanks to fast-paced digitization! Having a strong online presence across all your company’s digital assets is not only important now, but also necessary for survival. Here are five digital marketing tips that can sweep everyone off …
7 Common Small Business Marketing Mistakes
Managing your small business is one of the most exciting parts about being an entrepreneur. There are so many ways to promote your business and get the word out about your products or services and numerous opportunities for growth. However, owning a small business can also feel like you’re …
Choosing the Right Promotional Products for Marketing Your Business
All businesses, no matter the size or industry they operate in, need to establish a comprehensive marketing plan in order to drum up future business and in turn, bolster sales. Whether you’re a one-man band or company of 500, it is important that you utilize marketing efforts that are appropriate …