When advertising your business products globally, there are a few key things to remember. By following these ten tips, you can ensure that the appropriate people see your products in the right markets and that you're making the most of your advertising budget. Do Your Research Before you begin …
Advertising Articles and Interviews (tag)
Bad-vertising: 5 Things Not to Include in Your Adverts
Advertising is one of those skills that takes knowledge of consumers and their spending habits to get right. While many companies deal with advertising in-house, this can quickly go wrong if the wrong things are included. Sometimes it's just not right for the customer, but other times it is against …
Streaming TV Advertising: Everything You Need to Know
Streaming TV is the digital delivery of television and video material via the internet. Known as ‘over-the-top’ services, streaming bypasses the limits of cable, broadcast, and satellite television systems. Streaming TV continues to outperform cable TV in terms of popularity among users, with …
5 Important Factors of Marketing Communications
Before you begin any marketing communications strategy, it is best that you first begin with a plan that includes an analysis of each of the five factors of marketing communications and how they will be part of your strategy. You can look at these five factors as your blueprint for marketing …
How to Improve Your Advertising Campaigns
If you have a small business, it is not surprising that the first question you are likely to ask yourself when contemplating ways in which you can better manage your budget is: "How to improve business advertising and marketing?" Before you begin to search for new ways of improving your advertising …
The Moving Parts in Advertising: Are You Prepared for It?
Today’s marketing is so tightly intertwined with advanced technologies that it’s become one of the most dynamic domains in the world. In fact, there is a clear distinction between classic marketing and digital marketing, with the latter dominating the show. Digital marketing is also one of the …