While laws may be made with good intentions, the fact still remains that complying with them can be a real challenge for large businesses, let alone small ones. Yet, as the saying goes, “ignorance is no excuse”. To help small-business owners be better informed, the team at Fletcher Day has listed …
Legal Articles and Interviews (tag)
4 Things You Need to Do When Writing Is Your Business
There are many authors out there who write as a hobby, then there are those who make writing and publishing their full-time career and hope to make a full-time income from it. Many authors think because they work from home, they don't need to really make their writing a "business" so to speak. While …
Preventing Corporate Divorce: Why You Need a Business Prenup
Like domestic marriages, business partnerships can start off well, but over time and for a variety of reasons, the parties involved may choose to go their separate ways. This “corporate divorce” typically involves complex financial interests and more often than not, strong emotions. Whether …
How to Patent Your Business Idea
Patenting is the most important process when it comes to protecting intellectual property. There are people out there that will use your ideas as their own, so having the government protect your rights is essential. Not everyone is familiar with what to do when submitting a patent, so here is a …
Services Worth Investing in for Your Business
Starting your own business is considered by many people to be the definition of self-reliance. I know this was my first impression of what it’s like to be a small business owner. But as time went on and my experience in business grew, it occurred to me this couldn’t be further from the truth. The …
Your Business is Insolvent — What Do You Do Now?
Insolvency in business can happen for several reasons, especially when there is a downturn in the economy. Poor management and fraud are also common factors. Signs that your business is losing ground can be creditors continuing to be unpaid, poor cash flow, and ongoing losses. A company becomes …