Which One Is Better for Your Office?
Many business meetings, conferences, and presentations can be a bit dry. That’s why it’s important to show graphs and figures on a screen to keep the meeting more interesting and to help attendees follow along.
For most of the 20th century office projectors were necessary to display information as televisions were just too bulky and expensive. Since then, with the advent of low cost flatscreens, many offices switched from projector screens to televisions; however, for many companies, projector screens are still a core component of their meeting model. So, when is it best to use a projector screen and when is it better to use a flatscreen?
Why Use a Projector Instead of a TV for Your Business?
Size of the Display
The most significant advantage projectors have over televisions is the size of the display. Projector screens can give you a much bigger surface to display your image for less money. To achieve a comparable size with a regular TV, you’d need to get an incredibly expensive video wall.
Lifetime Value
Another advantage is that a projector screen lasts longer. You can expect to get 20-30 years from a high-quality projector screen whereas a TV might last you 4-6 years. When you get a high-end projector screen, you can upgrade to the next generation of projectors multiple times making the screen futureproof. With a flatscreen TV you’d need to replace the entire thing much more often.
Storing it Away when not in Use
One extra advantage of a projector screen over a flatscreen is that you can get a motorized retractable screen. So, when you’re not using it you can roll up the screen to create a better aesthetic look in the room.
Aspect Ratio
Another benefit of projectors over flatscreens is the aspect ratio. Most modern computers have a 16:10 ratio while most flatscreen TVs use a 16:9 ratio. This extra height allows you to display more information on the screen at a given time because it’s a taller format. While this may not seem like a big difference when you compare the images next to each other you can see a big difference.
Why Use a TV instead of a Projector for Your Office?
Bigger isn’t Always Better
Most offices need a large display for meeting rooms; however, they don’t always need a giant screen. Sometimes an 80-inch diagonal flatscreen will suffice, but when it comes to a display size that’s less than 80 inches, a flatscreen TV is going to be more economical while still providing equal quality picture.
Presenting in a Well-lit Room
Another advantage TVs have over projector screens is that they work better in a well-lit room. While there are special projector screens that have ambient light rejecting properties that can work in a bright room, televisions work in all types of lighting. This feature is often ideal for an office setting with the lights on.
Simplicity of Set Up
A third benefit TVs have that projector screens don’t is that a TV is one piece whereas a projector is two pieces– the screen and the projector. This also gives office flatscreens the benefit of being easier to set up since you only have the one item to put up.
When Should You Use a Projector Screen instead of a Television?
Projector screens are best for situations where you’re going to have more than ten people in a meeting. This means large boardrooms and conference rooms would work much better with a projector screen because with a projector, you’re able to use a bigger display space. This will make it significantly easier for employees in the back of the room to read the charts and graphs.
When Should You Use a Regular Flatscreen?
Many projectors are limited by the space of the room to be able to properly project the image on the display surface (there are now a new type of device called an Ultra Short Throw Projector that works in more compact rooms). That’s why large flat screen TVs are better utilized in smaller spaces like offices and small meeting rooms.
Oftentimes meeting presenters will need to stand in front of the screen which would block the light from a normal projector, but this is not an issue for a regular office TV.
So, Which Is Better for an Office, a Projector Screen or a Flatscreen TV?
Determining which is better for a business really comes down to the use of the image display. If it’s going to be used in a larger conference room, a projector screen is the superior choice every single time. For a smaller meeting room, a television is what you want. This of course does vary on a case to case basis depending on dimensions of the room, ambient light, and what the displays are going to be used for.
Of course, a presentation does come down to more than just the way you display the information— it’s how you present using this tool.
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