In this day and age, there is a push to make everything shorter. Blogs that used to be in the 800 to 1,000 word range are now generally 500 words (or less). Websites that once contained all of their content on just a couple of pages are now splitting their words to make seven, eight pages, or more, all in the effort to keep each individual page to a minimum. However, that is not the trend with sales pages.
Sales pages are still generally pretty lengthy documents, which is both good and bad. It is good because you can provide a lot of useful information to your consumer, but it is bad because if you don’t do it correctly, you risk losing your potential buyer—and a decent part of your income.
If you feel overwhelmed with creating a sales page for your product or service, rest easy as there are eight simple steps that you can follow that should make the process much easier. And hopefully more effective.
Step #1: Create an Attention-Grabbing Headline
Your sales page headline is like any news headline in that it needs to grab your reader by their short hairs and get them to sit up and pay attention. But it also needs to have some keywords in it so that your product or service is easier to find, so keep that in mind when writing yours.
Attention-grabbing headlines can come in various different forms. For instance, you could use a promise-based headline such as Do This and Grow Your Income to Six Digits a Year—Or More! You could also use a testimonial type of headline, like John G. Says This Is The BEST Weight Loss Program He’s Ever Found!
If you feel stuck, Brian Clark with CopyBlogger offers 10 more headline ideas in his article titled “10 Sure-Fire Headline Formulas That Work”. You’re sure to find one technique that works for whatever it is you are selling.
Step #2: Let Them Know You Understand Their Problem
One of the things I learned early on in my writing career is that you want to write each sentence so that the person reading it wants to read the next. This begins with your first paragraph. Write your best persuasive copy, enticing your target market to want to read every word you wrote. Let them know that you understand their problem by highlighting some of their struggles.
Step #3: Share Your Story
Sharing your story is helpful on your sales page because it gets your reader to see you on a more personal level. You go from being this cold, human-less entity that just wants their money to a person that has thoughts, feelings, wants, and desires. Tell them why you are passionate in this area. Share what makes you an expert in your field, whether it is education, experience, or both.
Step #4: Tell Them What You Can Do For Them
Your next step involves telling your reader how you can help them solve the problems that you already identified in step number two. Some of this will come to light when you share your story, as most stories form the basis for why you are the person that can help them, but you’ll really want to hit it home here with specifics. In other words, what can they expect regarding results when they purchase your product or service?
Step #5: Include Testimonials
Social proof is a major part of the selling process and one that can make the difference between someone hitting the “Buy Now” button or moving along to another website. Share what others have said about your product or service. If you can get feedback from notable people in your field that they may recognize, that is even better yet.
Step #6: State Your Offer in a Way That They Can’t Say “No” To
If your reader is still holding on to your every word, which hopefully they are, then now it is time to state your offer in a way that they can’t refuse. This may mean sharing your retail price then offering a reduced price if they act now, or it could be simply dealing with any objections that they may have before they can talk themselves out of the purchase. Of course, you can always follow both approaches for an even greater effect.
Step #7: Offer a Guarantee
People are pretty tied to their money and, with the number of scams nowadays, they like to have an out. So, this is where you will likely want to give it to them via your guarantee. Some use 30, 60, or 90 days and the amount you refund is up to you. Marketing experts have been known to say that you should offer a guarantee that makes people think you’re bound to lose money; however, this is strictly up to you.
Step #8: Provide a Call to Action
Finally, your last step is to provide a call to action. This is where you specifically say Buy Now or Sign Up Now! It may seem like you shouldn’t have to be this simplistic, but if you don’t tell your consumer what you want them to do, they’re likely to do nothing.
Some additional tips to make your sales page shine include:
- Use subheads. Break your sales page into easy-to-read chunks by using subheads before each section. Some sections may even need more than one if they are larger in size.
- Write short sentences and short paragraphs. People feel winded if they have to read long sentences and long paragraphs can just be overwhelming. So, keep them both short and your content will be easier for them to read.
- Keep a conversational tone. Talk to your reader like they are your friend and they are more likely to want to do business with you.
There you have it—eight steps to creating an effective sales page. Now all you have to do is write it. Good luck!
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