Porsha Vogt, owner of an in-home senior care agency in the San Diego, California area, talks about how she got started in the elder care industry and what it takes to succeed.
What are the primary service(s) or product(s) that your business provides?
Golden Care provides in-home care. We hire trained caregivers that go into the homes of seniors and provide care. The services range from meal preparation, light housekeeping, bathing and showering assistance, running errands, escorting clients to appointments and basic companionship.
Who’s your perfect customer? Do you work with other business (B2B), or consumers (B2C), or both?
Our perfect customer is anyone that wants to remain independent in their own home but might require a little assistance to do so. We are both a B2B and B2C company. We have partnered with hospice companies and other healthcare companies to offer more resources to the families. However most of our business is done directly with consumers, which are senior citizens and their families.
When did you start your company? Share a little about your professional history leading up to starting your company.
We started the company about three years ago. I was in finance prior to getting into the healthcare field. Finance was a great base for running a business of my own. I learned a tremendous amount which has proven to be invaluable. Towards the end of my ten years in finance, I wasn’t as passionate about it as when I started. I knew I wanted to start my own company, so I started researching industries. I’ve always gotten along with seniors in my personal life, so when I came across senior in-home care agencies, I knew it was the best of both worlds.
What are one or two things that you’ve learned the hard way?
I have learned that starting a business takes more money and time then you originally planned for. I’ve learned how valuable employees are and that you cannot run a successful business without quality employees.
What is one thing that most people don’t know about your business or industry that you wish they did?
One thing I wish people knew is that when they hire caregivers privately (not through an agency), they become the employer. Meaning, if a caregiver gets hurt while taking care of the client, then the onus is on the client, because they are the employer. So the caregiver could sue the client. Hiring a caregiver through an agency protects you from that liability.
Where’s the best place for people to learn more about your company?
The best place to learn more is on our website, www.getgoldencare.com
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