When it comes to getting the biggest bang for your buck out of your digital marketing efforts, the first item on every small business’s agenda should be conversion rates. These are the site visitors who do more than just look around on your site then go away, but who actually become customers and add valuable sales revenue to your business.
The reason conversions matter so much is that they can have an incredible impact on your profit margins, as they bring pure additional revenue that goes straight onto your bottom line. In fact, one company managed a threefold increase in sales and a 3,000 percent hike in profits just by improving their conversion rates.
Let’s take a look at the steps you can take to revitalize your business through better conversion rates. The key to success is not only to do it right, but also to do it better than the competition, and to adopt an attitude of continuous improvements to make sure your conversion rate, and therefore your overall business, keeps going from strength to strength.
Content Marketing
You might be surprised to see the first point is about what many people believe is a different area of digital marketing – surely, we are discussing conversion rates, not content marketing? The fact is, however, that the first and most important thing you can do to improve conversions is to get your content right.
Remember the key metrics of relevant, interesting, and original with every piece of content that goes on your website, and try to see it from the customer’s perspective. What needs have driven them to your site, and how does your content answer those needs better than the competition?
User Experience
Known as “UX” in digital marketing circles, this aspect focuses on whether your website is a nice place to be. Is it easy and intuitive to navigate, and does it reflect your business and brand in the best possible way?
Always remember, your website is your shopfront in the digital world. If somebody goes to browse in a shop, they are far more likely to convert into a customer if they can clearly see what you have and you provide a friendly and efficient service. On the other hand, if the place looks a mess and they have to wait around to find an assistant to help them, they will probably walk out of the door and never come back.
Mobile First
A good user experience extends to the way your site behaves across different platforms and browsers, and that means it has to be mobile friendly. Mobile devices overtook desktops as the platform of choice back in 2015, so if your website takes a long time to load on a smartphone, or if buttons and calls to action do not work properly, potential customers will be turned away in droves.
The Power of Social Media
The latest statistics suggest that more than 30 percent of the global population, that’s two and a half billion people, use social media. It goes without saying that it is therefore an incredibly powerful tool for your business in all sorts of ways.
A strong social media presence improves your brand’s reputation and gets you noticed. It also gets people talking about you, your company, and your products and services.
How does that improve conversion rates? The simple fact is that personal recommendations are still the biggest driver of new customers, and the first thing that all of us do when looking for a product or service provider is to ask our family and friends.
A Targeted Approach
With all the above in place, you can look to further enhance your conversions by focusing on having the right people visiting your site in the first place. This is where some of the tools in Google Analytics can play an important role.
Here, you can generate a whole host of reports to drill down into where your visitors are coming from, what keywords they are typing into the search engines, and how these equate to conversions. This is exactly the information you need to discover what is working and what is not, and to enhance your digital marketing strategy accordingly.
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